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342 Vatican AssassinsFederal Union! All these bold usurpations of power are, upon their face,nothing but resorts to induce, or to compel, under duress, the Peoples of theseveral Southern States to go through the forms of adopting the FourteenthAmendment . . . ” {8}The Freemason Alexander H. Stephens knew that the forced ratification ofthe Fourteenth Amendment would create a centralized Empire out of a federation ofsovereign States. The President would exercise powers of a Monarch, the Congresswould exercise powers of a Parliament and the Supreme Court would exercise powersof a King’s Bench, having its jurisdiction extended to include anything and everythingunder the guise of the new “Federal Question Jurisdiction.”Federal Question Jurisdiction is an alien and foreign jurisdiction to theoriginal Constitution. It created “judicial supremacy” in the Supreme Court,broadening its power to overturn laws and decisions of the several States. There arevirtually no judicial decisions, state or federal, that cannot be appealed to the SupremeCourt with a “Writ of Certiorari.” With this all-encompassing jurisdiction and thethousands of appeals filed annually, the Jesuits at Georgetown University influencethe Supreme Court as to which cases to hear. The ensuing decisions further thepurpose of the Order in destroying White, Protestant Am<strong>eric</strong>an culture along with itspopular self-government or “liberalism,” as the Jesuits call it. Remembering previouschapters, the Jesuits have avowed to destroy both Protestantism and Liberalismpursuant to their Jesuit Oath and Council of Trent.In looking back, we Am<strong>eric</strong>ans can see the evil decisions made possible <strong>by</strong> theJesuits’ “Federal Question Jurisdiction.” Among others, it enabled the SupremeCourt to force the religion of evolution down our throats, to force the integration ofpublic schools when neither the Whites nor the Blacks wanted it; to legalize abortionand prohibit capital punishment overthrowing laws of the States to the contrary, andto outlaw Bible-reading and prayer in the “accursed public schools.” For inprohibiting Bible-reading and prayer in the public schools, Protestant civilization isdestroyed, and with it, popular self-government — to the delight of the Jesuit Order!The Jesuits are absolutists. Therefore, the governments they control mustexercise absolute powers. Since rights limit powers, the rights of the citizens can beno more than privileges granted from absolute governments. Ancient liberties andcommon-law rights cannot be included. Such is the case with everysocialist-communist government of today, be it the monarchy of Queen Elizabeth II,the military dictatorship of Castro or the democracy of Presidents William J. Clintonor George W. Bush, alias “King George II,” being of England’s past StuartDynasty.Therefore, one more nail had to be driven into Am<strong>eric</strong>a’s coffin. The Jesuitswould not allow the powers newly given to Washington to be absolutely limited <strong>by</strong>The Jesuits – 1868 - 1872

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