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136 Vatican Assassinsthey are covered, or to expel them in a more absolute manner, andprevent them from approaching either my person or my kingdom. Butthen, we will drive them to despair and to the resolution of attemptingmy life again, which would render it so miserable to me, being alwaysunder the apprehension of being murdered or poisoned. For these peoplehave correspondence everywhere, and are so very skillful in disposingthe minds of men to whatever they wish, that I think it would be betterthat I should be already dead.’ ” {5}One sad day in 1610, the Jesuits, those masters of murder, slew France’s greatKing Henry IV. While returning from a visit with Sully (who later described thisentire tragedy in his Memoirs) the king’s carriage was stopped in the middle of thestreet — just like President Kennedy’s limousine was nearly stopped in the middle ofthe street in Dallas. Instantly Francois Ravaillac, the Jesuits’ assassin, jumped uponthe wheel and stabbed his shocked victim through the heart. When arrested, he wasstill clutching his bloody knife.“With that good nature which characterized him, he at length consentedto allow them [the Jesuits] to return. It was in vain that Sully, hisminister, represented to him that no kindness could soften such foes; herecalled them, and fell a victim to their instigations, being stabbed <strong>by</strong>Ravaillac, on May 14 th , 1610.” {6}The Edict of Nantes would maintain religious liberty in France foreighty-seven years. In 1685, the Jesuits would cause it to be revoked through theirmost obedient servant and brother Jesuit, King Louis XIV who“ . . . saw his kingdom impoverished, his commerce gone, his nameexecrated throughout the world, and lay in his magnificent palace atVersailles dying [of venereal disease]. He is utterly wretched. Thepeople curse him, and hurl stones and mud at his coffin.” {7}And Protestantism, including the Bible, would be outlawed for over one hundredyears, Satan’s Jesuit-controlled Papacy maintaining absolute control over every civilinstitution of France. (Doesn’t this sound like Communist Russia, China and Cuba?)Dear truth-seeker, do you understand how the Jesuits will murder even RomanCatholic rulers if they dare resist Rome’s policies? Did President Kennedy resist theJesuits <strong>by</strong> seeking to break the CIA “into a thousand pieces” and end the VietnamWar? Was this a threat to the “infallible” Pope’s Temporal Power?Indeed, the Jesuits, in seeking to introduce unbridled tyranny, believe there isnothing their Church cannot do.The Jesuits – 1589; 1610

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