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Chapter 28 351The Am<strong>eric</strong>an bloodbath, begun in 1861 and ending in 1865, had beenspawned in Rome and carried out <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits using Scottish Rite Freemasonry. TheJesuits, with their Archbishop John Hughes of New York, sat atop of the ruins ofAm<strong>eric</strong>a’s Protestant Calvinist republic ready to create their new Empire with theFourteenth Amendment. New York would become “the Empire State” from whichthe Cardinal would be “the Archbishop of the capital of the world.” Additionally, theJesuits were ready to amalgamate the races with the purpose of making Am<strong>eric</strong>a anation of color, reducing it to a priest-ridden Mexico, Cuba and South Am<strong>eric</strong>a.The Radical Red Republican party had served the Jesuits well. In destroyingthe South it had nearly decimated Jefferson’s Democratic States-Rights party.Thaddeus Stevens, with his Roman Catholic mulatto concubine, Miss Lydia Smith,hated the Constitution and further overthrew it with his Reconstruction Act of 1866.He also led the impeachment proceedings against the disobedient FreemasonPresident Andrew Johnson. Rome, however, rewarded him for his villainy <strong>by</strong>baptizing him into the Catholic Church on his deathbed — just like Francis CardinalSpellman’s obedient Freemason President Lyndon Johnson (who had been initiatedinto the Johnson City Lodge in Johnson City, Texas, on October 30, 1937). CharlesSumner accomplished in the Senate what Stevens accomplished in the House. Andno wonder, for he had been a personal friend of the Holy Alliance’s PrinceMetternich and had the highest praise for Rome’s Thomas Aquinas (even as thepresent Black Supreme Court Justice, Clarence Thomas), the author of the massiveSumma Theologica. Since, according to Thomas Aquinas, Pope Gregory VII andCanon Law, “it is no murder to kill a heretic,” Sumner had no problem with the rape,murder and theft committed <strong>by</strong> Grant and Sherman’s “Grande Armee of theRepublic” riddled with foreign-born, bigoted, Irish Roman Catholic banditti.But Abraham Lincoln did. Even though he acted the tyrant in wronglydeclaring martial law as later determined <strong>by</strong> the Supreme Court, in keeping Marylandfrom seceding and in raising the Army of the Potomac “to put down the rebellion,”there is evidence that he had had a change of heart. According to many, Lincoln wasconverted to Christ after viewing the battlefield at Gettysburg in 1863. He laterjoined the Pres<strong>by</strong>terian Church in Washington and had several spiritual conversationswith his close friend and converted priest, our hero, Charles Chiniquy. We read:“ ‘I will repeat to you what I said at Urbana, when for the first time you toldme your fears lest I would be assassinated <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits: Man must not carewhere and when he will die, provided he dies at the post of honour and duty.But I may add, to-day, that I have a presentiment that God will call me toHim through the hand of an assassin. Let His will, and, not mine be done!The Pope and the Jesuits, with their infernal Inquisition, are the onlyorganized powers in the world which have recourse to the dagger of theassassin to murder those whom they cannot convince with their argumentsThe Jesuits – 1865

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