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Chapter 5 133Henry Garnett, 1606 #33 Jesuit Provincial for the English ProvinceThis infamous English traitor and murderer plotted many times to assassinateQueen Elizabeth I in obedience to his Jesuit Oath. One of the attempts was exposed<strong>by</strong> the Protestant Edward de Vere, alias “William Shakespeare,” for which he losthis eighty-six landed estates to the Jesuits’ William Cecil. Justice Lord Cokepresiding, Garnett was executed in 1606 for his part in the Gunpowder Plot alongwith seven other Jesuits. His last words were, “Oh God! Destroy this perfidiousnation, extirpate from the earth those who live in it, to the end that we may joyfullyrender to Jesus Christ [the Pope] the praises that are due unto him [the Pope].” TheHistory of the Jesuits in England 1580 - 1773, Ethelred L. Taunton, (London: Methuen& Co., 1901) pp. 374, 375.The Engineer Corps of Hell: Or Rome’s Sappers and Miners, Compiled and translated<strong>by</strong> Edwin A. Sherman, (San Francisco, California: Private Subscription, 1883) p. 83.The Jesuits – 1605

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