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Chapter 32 411Jesuit Coadjutors Rasputin, Bishop Hermogen and Iliodor, 1905 #110Grigory Yefimovich Rasputin, the demon-possessed, glassy-eyed, licentious,mad monk, came to Bishop Sergius, rector of the Theological Seminary ofSt. Petersburg in 1903, with a powerful letter of introduction fromChrysanthos, Archminandrite of the Orthodox Kazan eparchy within theOrder’s stronghold of Siberia. Immediately well received, this “CaesarBorgia of Russia” was introduced into the court of Tzar Nicholas II and hisGerman Empress, Alexandra – the darling of the Jesuits. Years later andfor a job well done, the Order’s Masonic Joseph Stalin would restore the“Orthodox Papacy” in 1942 <strong>by</strong> appointing Sergius the first Patriarch of AllRussia. All of Rasputin’s political enemies, including Prime Minister P. S.Stolypin, were removed or assassinated and <strong>by</strong> 1916, while the Tzar wasaway at the war front, Rasputin, in controlling the Empress, became thevirtual ruler of Russia, abolishing the Russian Parliament (the Duma) and,in the name of the Tzar, promoting anti-Jewish laws and pogroms there<strong>by</strong>igniting the Order’s Zionist Bolshevik Revolution. Both Rasputin andStalin had a common mentor – Bishop Hermogen – the rector of TiflisTheological Seminary at which several Jesuits were instructors. Iliodor, atypical Jesuit agitator of states, was the great promoter of this “man ofGod,” preaching to huge crowds about the mad monk’s life and powerswhile secretly playing the spy for his master, Hermogen. In 1916 Rasputinwas rightly assassinated; later his body was exhumed and publicly burned.The Rasputin File, Edvard Radzinsky, (New York: Anchor Books, 2001).The Jesuits – 1882 - 1917

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