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Chapter 30 375priests at St. Joseph’s School for Boys; Knights of Malta Lawrence Welk and DannyThomas were renowned entertainers; fascist Knight of Malta Frank Capra was asuccessful Hollywood film director; and fascist Knight of Malta Joseph P. Kennedywas a Hollywood movie mogul! Dear truth-seeker, is it any wonder why the priests ofRome are usually presented in a good light, like the priest in The Bells of St. Mary’s,or like the priest in The Old Man and the Sea, or like the Jesuit who saves theProtestant English sea captain from being burnt alive in Shogun, or like the nuns whosave the von Trapps from the Nazis in The Sound Of Music (starring Roman CatholicJulie Andrews), or like the benevolent nuns towards the wayward Sidney Poitier(another Black, race-mixing, communist, civil rights agitator) in The Lilies of theField, or like the priest reciting scripture in the language of the people (Oh, whathypocrisy!) while comforting Roman Catholics as the ship is sinking (due to Jesuitintrigue) in Titanic, or like the repentant homosexual ex-priest in JFK, or like thepriest breaking the law of the king <strong>by</strong> secretly marrying William Wallace inBraveheart, or like the righteous priest killing the evil Bishop in Robin Hood? Are notHollywood’s leading actors predominantly Roman Catholics portraying a pro-Popehistory rewritten <strong>by</strong> Jesuit-controlled screenwriters? Is it any wonder why WhiteProtestants or Bible-believers are portrayed as being heartless liars and criminalmurderers like the English missionary in Hawaii, or Lieutenant Kendrick in A FewGood Men, or the scripture-quoting sea captain as he fornicates with one of the captiveBlack women on his slave ship in Roots, just to name a few? Apparently, we criminalBible-believers are the plague of the world and should be exterminated, being the“obstinate heretics” that we are!) Does it matter that your children or grandchildrenwill be the unhappy slaves of a merciless, absolutist, fascist Am<strong>eric</strong>an dictator guided<strong>by</strong> the Jesuits of Fordham and Georgetown Universities? In the name of ChristJesus, sound the alarm, blow the shofar, lift up your voices and cry out,“Beware of the Sons of Loyola! Expel them from our nation before theytorture and exterminate us all in the name of ‘Peace’ and ‘NationalSecurity’ just like they did to the Protestants and Jews of fascist NaziGermany at the hand of their White Roman Catholic ‘GrandInquisitor’, during the bloody Second Thirty Years’ War (1914-1945)under the second Emperor Ferdinand II, Adolf Hitler!!!”)The Jesuits were temporarily gone. Little did the German people know thatthey would pay dearly for this! The Jesuits would cause Prince Bismarck to weaken,as he must have feared for his life after the second assassination attempt in 1874. Hereversed his policy called “the struggle with Rome” and repealed his own Falk Lawshaving rightly acted upon the Catholics in Prussia. He then entered into an alliancewith the Jesuit-trained Pope Leo XIII creating “The Center Party” in 1877 — thevery year the great Tzar Alexander II broke diplomatic relations with Rome. Thisalliance with the Papacy opened the door for Papal supremacy in German politics.The Jesuits – 1872 - 1901

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