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Conclusion 697Upon His return, He will chain and imprison the Devil, and cast the White,resurrected, Gentile Papal Caesar – the beastly Antichrist – alive into the Lake ofFire, along with the Jewish False Prophet. Having executed the risen Pope’smurderous Gentile dictators, along with the leading Jewish Zionist and TalmudicOrthodox traitors having conspired with the Antichrist to mercilessly destroy Hisbeloved Hebrew People of Israel, Jesus the Messiah shall sit upon the royal Throneof David and rule the Fifth World Monarchy, as spoken of <strong>by</strong> Daniel the prophet,on top of Mount Zion from His Millennial Temple in Jerusalem, forever!“ . . . for now shall he be great unto the ends of the earth.”– Micah 5:4With His surviving elect remnant, the repentant sheep of the House of Israel –His national and racial brethren, called “Hebrews” <strong>by</strong> God and “Jews” <strong>by</strong> men, allwith circumcised hearts as foretold <strong>by</strong> Ezekiel the prophet – gathered around Him,and shall ask:“ . . . they shall look upon me whom they have pierced . . . ”“What are these wounds in thine hands?”Their Savior and Messiah, the Lord of Hosts, shall reply in forgiving love,“Those with which I was wounded in the house of my friends.”– Zechariah 12:10; 13:6In conclusion, my elect brethren, may we Bible-believing Am<strong>eric</strong>ans, upon therepentance and confession of any Vatican Assassin, forgive him. For our PresidentJohn F. Kennedy, like Jesus the Anointed One, was also wounded in the house of hisfriends, many of whom in following orders, knew not what they did.And finally when our government, in doing its duty of punishing evil, will haveexpelled that foreign army of the Papal Roman Caesar presently ruling the world –that Militia of the Black Pope within Am<strong>eric</strong>a’s borders controlling theMasonic/Islamic International Terrorist Network overseen <strong>by</strong> its InternationalIntelligence Community with all of the world’s Military Industrial Complexesdedicated to the restoration of the Papal Roman Caesar’s Temporal Power aroundthe world – that murderous, that treasonous, that diabolical serpent of Satan calledThe Society of Jesus ready to strike us in the heart with a foreign invasion, ourNation’s great, midnight Tragedy shall become our glorious, noonday Triumph!

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