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Vatican Assassins“[The Jesuits] . . . aim and object was that the war . . . should in truth,become a war of annihilation. Besides, was it possible for them to allowpeace to be concluded with countries whose rebellious Governmentshad issued a law ruling that no Jesuit should ever again dare to show hisface, under pain of death, within their boundaries? This, indeed, hadBohemia done, as also Hungary, Moravia, Silesia, with Upper andLower Austria; and not only had they acted thus; but, at the same time,had publicly disclosed to the world, all the nefarious peculiarities anddeeds of the Order of Jesus, in such a manner as to embitter the feelingsof the Jesuits in the highest degree . . . the whole frightful responsibilityfor this terrible thirty years’ war must rest upon the Emperor FerdinandII, and his teachers, rulers, and bosom friends, the Sons of Loyola.” {6}Theodor Griesinger, 1873German Historian TheJesuitsThis most horrible chapter in history was started <strong>by</strong> the Protestants using theirSwords of Just Defense as a result of years of Jesuit persecution through the HolyRoman Emperor, Ferdinand II. Of this persecution Ridpath writes:“The reformed churches were closed or demolished, the hymn booksand Bibles of the people seized and burned, and a decree of banishmentpromulgated against all who would not return to the Holy Church.” {7}Therefore, on the 23 rd of May, 1618, the first Thirty Years’ War began. By aspecial decree Bohemia expelled the Jesuits declaring:“We lords, knights, deputies of Prague, Kuttenberg and other estates,together recognize in what great danger this kingdom of Bohemia hasstood ever since the introduction of the hypocritical sect of Jesuits. Wehave, moreover, found in truth that the originators of all this mischiefare the above-mentioned Jesuits, who occupy themselves in contrivinghow they may strengthen the Roman See, and bring all kingdoms andlands under their power and might, who to this end employ the mostillicit means, inflame rulers against one another, cause rebellion andunrest among the estates of countries, especially such as are of differentreligions, set superiors against subordinates, subordinates againstsuperiors . . . Now therefore, as they are in these ways the cause of theevil state which has befallen the kingdom, they have justly merited to beno longer tolerated in the said kingdom . . . ” {8} [Emphasis added]The Jesuits – 1618 - 1648

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