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Chapter 12 181‘Most Holy Father:I found almost all the wealth, all immovables, and all the treasures of thisProvince of Am<strong>eric</strong>a in the hands of the Jesuits, who still possess them.Two of their colleges have 300,000 sheep, without counting the smallflocks; and whilst almost all the Cathedral Churches and all the Orderstogether have hardly three sugar refineries, the Society has six of the largest.One of these refineries is valued at more than half a million thalers; and thissingle province of the Jesuits, which however only consists of ten colleges,possesses, as I have just said, six of these refineries, each of which brings inone hundred thousand thalers yearly. Besides this they have cornfields ofenormous size. Also they have silver mines, and if they continue to increasetheir power and wealth as they have done up to now, the secular clergy willbecome their sacristans and the laymen their stewards, while the otherOrders will be forced to collect alms at their doors. All this property and allthese considerable revenues which might make a sovereign powerful, serveno other purpose than to maintain ten colleges [military fortresses]…Tothis may be added the extraordinary skill with which they make use of andincrease their super-abundant wealth. They maintain public warehouses,cattlefairs, butchers-stalls, and shops. They send part of their goods <strong>by</strong> wayof the Philippine Islands to China. They lend out their money for usury, andthus cause the greatest loss and injury to others.’ ” {13} [Emphasis added]Dear truth-seeker, “the Jesuit Republic” of South Am<strong>eric</strong>a became the modelfor “the Jesuit Republic” of North Am<strong>eric</strong>a. The thirty Reductions in Paraguay from1600 to 1750 have become the model for the fifty States of Fourteenth AmendmentAm<strong>eric</strong>a from 1868 to (the present) 2003. Both “republics” were established <strong>by</strong> supercartel-capitalists – the Jesuits – who then implemented the economic system of theDark Ages — feudal socialist-communism. As always, cartel-capitalists andsocialist-communists work together! Like Paraguay, Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>afunctions as a vast commercial empire, the Jesuits controlling all the wealth andreaping all the profits from their multinational corporations. Like the Guarani Indians,we Am<strong>eric</strong>an people are slaves; for, after being “educated, trained, housed, clothed,fed and amused,” we Am<strong>eric</strong>ans have nothing! Like Paraguay, the commercial powerof Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a has been harnessed <strong>by</strong> the Jesuit Order and hasbeen used to finance Great Wars furthering Loyola’s Counter-Reformation whiledestroying Luther’s Protestant Reformation!Should those of us who believe the Bible to be the final rule of faith andpractice continue to be used to such evil ends? Should our preachers continue toremain mute in the face of such grand theft and Anti-Christian tyranny?The Jesuits – 1600 - 1750

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