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Chapter 9 157(Dear truth seeker, two hundred years later the Satanic Sons of Loyola in control ofthe Queen of England would instigate the Second Irish Massacre. Deceptively called,“The Irish Potato Famine of 1845 to 1850,” our ex-Jesuit editor writes:“During this five-year period – with Queen Victoria sitting on the Britishthrone (The Royal Butcheress of Ireland whose Masonic Scotland Yardnever caught Walter Richard Sickert, the notorious “Jack the Ripper”),and closely attended <strong>by</strong> her Jesuit advisors – freighters laden with Irishwheat, oats, barley, eggs, beef and pork were DEPARTING Irish ports enroute to other countries, at the rate of about EIGHT FREIGHTERS PERDAY, while nearly one million of my Irish ancestors were starving to death.[In the 1930s the Company would cause Stalin’s Massacre of OrthodoxUkrainians, the so called “Famine in the Ukraine,” ordering Stalin to lockup all the food as millions perished.] In addition to producing anotherVatican harvest – the Irish Protestant body count – the ensuing increasedIrish emigration provided the Jesuits with a stepped-up flow of IrishCatholics to the United States, to help build within that Protestant nation ablindly obedient Papal fifth column, as an instrument for destroyingAm<strong>eric</strong>an constitutional self-government. It worked. [In the 1960s theJesuits would cause the forced mass emigration of North VietnameseCatholics to South Vietnam <strong>by</strong> using Ho Chi Minh to spread the rumor thathis Communists were going to kill all the Catholics in North Vietnam. TheU.S. Navy, controlled <strong>by</strong> Cardinal Spellman’s Francis Matthews, providedthe vessels for that movement.]” {9} )From 1641 to 1649 – eight long years – the Jesuits continued this murder inIreland. It was for this reason Oliver Cromwell, the Defender of the Protestant faith,landed in Ireland and demanded the country to surrender. Upon refusing, Cromwellmade an example out of the Jesuits’ Catholic Drogheda <strong>by</strong> breaching its wall anddestroying nearly every living thing — men, women and children. (The same waslater done to Wexford, which had also killed Protestants.) This never would havehappened had not the Jesuits instigated the mass-murder of the Protestants beginningwith the Irish Massacre of 1641, having brainwashed the Irish Catholics to hate andkill English and Irish Protestants — men, women and children! Headley writes:“Cromwell himself attempts no disguise, and in writing to the governmenton account of it, he says, after speaking of carrying the entrenchments:‘Being thus entered, we refused them quarter, having the day beforesummoned the town. I believe we put to the sword the whole number of thedefendants [over 2000]. I do not think thirty of the whole number escapedwith their lives. Those that did are in safe custody for the Barbadoes . . . Iwish that all honest men may give the glory of this to God alone, to whom,indeed, the praise of this mercy [to the Irish Protestants] belongs.’ . . . HisThe Jesuits – 1641

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