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Chapter 40was far more valuable than Phil<strong>by</strong>. Because of Phil<strong>by</strong>’s cover-up,Turkul and Ellis were safe for several more years.” {7}Later in 1963, Phil<strong>by</strong> “defected” to the Soviet Union to maintain the illusion of “theCold War” among the patriotic lower level intelligence officers.Am<strong>eric</strong>an, Russian and Israeli intelligence merge with the pairs Gehlen and Turkul;and Angleton and Phil<strong>by</strong>. We read:“Dulles had Gehlen set up in a secret compound in Pullach, WestGermany, with orders to revive the [Turkul] Max network . . . Gehlenintended to make Turkul’s Max network the centerpiece of his newWest German intelligence agency . . . Foisting the Max network onAllen Dulles and General Gehlen turned out to be the key to Sovietsupremacy in the first half of the Cold War . . . To this day, the CIA stillrefuses to declassify its files for ‘Prince’ Turkul’s network. It is just tooembarrassing to admit that the Eastern European Fascist groups,[ex-Nazis] whom Dulles had hired turned out to be working for the otherside.” {8} [Emphasis added]“ . . . there is no doubt Angleton fell under Phil<strong>by</strong>’s spell . . . As withPhil<strong>by</strong>, so with James Jesus: his record was riddled with ambiguity andinexplicable actions that resulted in the question asked <strong>by</strong> a highauthority at the CIA: ‘Was Angleton the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Phil<strong>by</strong>?’ . . . It wasPhil<strong>by</strong> who taught Angleton the structure of the Secret Service . . . ” {9}And Phil<strong>by</strong> had been recruited into the KGB <strong>by</strong> a Jesuit who had been a member ofthe Bolsheviks’ Inquisition called “the Cheka.” We read:“One of the first Soviet agents to penetrate British intelligence was aCatholic Priest. Between 1932 and 1937 the top NKVD ‘illegal’ inEngland was Father Theodore Maly [a Jesuit] . . .Many of Father Maly’s best recruits were young men from upper classbackgrounds . . . The most famous KGB agent was Harold AdrianRussell Phil<strong>by</strong>. As with all of Father Maly’s agents, ‘Kim’ Phil<strong>by</strong>’supper class British background was impeccable . . . Phil<strong>by</strong> was nolonger a peripheral observer, but a principal player with the Vatican. In1944 he was promoted to head the new anti-Soviet section of [theBritish] SIS.” {10} [Emphasis added]The Jesuits – 1959 - 1962

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