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Vatican Assassins“The only countries where the Jesuits lived in peace were the States whereProtestantism was in the majority: England, Sweden, Denmark, the UnitedStates of Am<strong>eric</strong>a.” {11} [Emphasis added]Hector Macpherson tells us in The Jesuits in History:“So hurtful was the Jesuit Order found to be that, up to 1860, it wasexpelled no fewer than seventy times from countries which had sufferedfrom its machinations . . . In spite of Continental warnings, England [underQueen Victoria (1837-1901) who opened up communication with theVatican in 1877 and enabled the Order co carry out its Second IrishMassacre (1845-1850] has become a Jesuit dumping-ground. Those whomother countries have found from sad experience to be enemies, Britainallows to land on her shores, and to carry on unmolested their work ofiniquity. We are carrying toleration to excess, and unless there is a changeof policy, this nation will one day pay a heavy penalty.” {12}Of Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a, David Mitchell declares:“Am<strong>eric</strong>a . . . was a Mecca for fugitive Jesuits throughout the nineteenthcentury.” {13} [Justin D. Fulton is in full agreement with this statement, ashe declared the same in his Washington In the Lap of Rome (1888).]Yes, dear truth-seeker, the Jesuits fled to their new “Holy Roman” Empire ofFourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a. We read in 1890:“But where did the banished Jesuit go? Whither, when under the suspicion,and flying from the hatred of the rising spirit of freedom in Europe, does hebetake himself, and where is he now? I answer, In Am<strong>eric</strong>a, in the UnitedStates [Am<strong>eric</strong>ans now comprising twenty-five percent of the Order]. Ourcountry is the paradise of Jesuits. Unwarned <strong>by</strong> the experience of otherlands, regardless of the bands they weave about the limbs of liberty, wehave permitted their presence in this country, until, almost ready to throwoff the disguise, they now threaten our institutions with ruin . . . It is theJesuit who is decrying free speech and liberty of conscience and a free press;who is doing his utmost in conformity with the constitutions of the societyof which he is a sworn adherent, and of the Papacy of which he is at oncethe dictator and the slave, to reduce free Am<strong>eric</strong>a to the subjection of anabsolute monarch [a fascist military dictator]. What will be the result?Strange and wonderful to say, misfortune and disaster to themselves seemsto follow their designs against government. In 1870, it was their influencewhich assembled and directed the Vatican Council, which should exalt stillhigher dogmas of the church, and overthrow the growing spirit of freedom.The Jesuits – 1872 - 1901

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