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Chapter 16 225The Jesuits, now formally suppressed <strong>by</strong> the Pope, were allied with Fred<strong>eric</strong>kthe Great of Prussia and Catherine II of Russia. The Jesuit General was in control ofScottish Rite Freemasonry and now sought an alliance with the Masonic Baron of theHouse of Rothschild. To accomplish this he chose a Jesuit who was a GermanGentile (not a Jew) <strong>by</strong> race and a Freemason <strong>by</strong> association — Adam Weishaupt.“That Weishaupt was not the originator of the system he named‘Illuminism’ will be already apparent to every reader of the presentwork . . . How did these Oriental methods penetrate to the Bavarianprofessor? According to certain writers, through the Jesuits. The factthat Weishaupt had been brought up <strong>by</strong> this Order has provided theenemies of the Jesuits with the argument that they were the secretinspirers of the Illuminati . . . That Weishaupt did, however, draw to acertain extent on Jesuit methods of training is recognized even <strong>by</strong>Barruel, himself a Jesuit [and the most influential historian of theFrench Revolution], who, quoting Mirabeau, says that Weishaupt,‘admired above all those laws, that regime of the Jesuits, which, underone head [the Jesuit General], made men dispersed over the universetend towards the same goal . . . ’ ” {4} [Emphasis added]Adam Weishaupt was also a brilliant instructor of Canon Law – including the evilCouncil of Trent – at a Jesuit College in Bavaria. We read:“From the Jesuit College at Ingolstadt is said to have issued the sectknown as ‘the Illuminati of Bavaria’ founded <strong>by</strong> Adam Weishaupt; itsnominal founder, however, seems to have played a subordinate thoughconspicuous role in the organization of this sect.” {5} [Emphasis added](Dear truth-seeker, Masonic Jews always play “a subordinate though conspicuousrole” when used <strong>by</strong> the Jesuit General. Such was the case of the birth of the Illuminatiwith Rothschild (1776), the financing of the French Revolution and Napoleonic Warswith Rothschild (1789-1815), the creation of modern Communism with Marx (1848),the first head of the Federal Reserve Bank with Paul M. Warburg (1913) andpresently, Alan Greenspan (2002), the creation of the Union of Soviet SocialistRepublics (USSR) via the Bolshevik Revolution with Trotsky and Lenin (1917), thefinancing and building of the USSR with Jacob H. Schiff and Armand Hammer(1920-1980) and AIG’s Maurice Greenberg (2002), the Jewish Holocaust of Europewith Rudolf Kastner (1939-1945), the birth of Zionist Israel with Theodor Herzl(1948), the cover-up of the Kennedy Assassination with the Warren Commission’sArlen Specter and his “single bullet theory” (1964) and the continual high treasonagainst the people of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire <strong>by</strong> Henry A. Kissinger (1972 to thePresent (2003)). These are high-level Masonic Jews who adhere to the evilBa<strong>by</strong>lonian Talmud of Judaism – the twin sister of the evil Council of Trent ofThe Jesuits – 1773 - 1776

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