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352 Vatican Assassinsor conquer with the sword . . . It seems to me that the Lord wants to-day, asHe wanted in the days of Moses, another victim . . . I cannot conceal fromyou that my impression is that I am that victim. So many plots have alreadybeen made against my life, that it is a real miracle that they have all failed,when we consider that the great majority of them were in the hands ofskillful Roman Catholic murderers, evidently trained <strong>by</strong> Jesuits. But can weexpect that God will make a perpetual miracle to save my life? I believe not.The Jesuits are so expert in those deeds of blood, that Henry IV said that itwas impossible to escape them, and he became their victim, though he didall that could be done to protect himself. My escape from their hands, sincethe letter of the Pope to Jeff Davis [who, as Vice President under PresidentFranklin Pierce in 1856, began the work of erecting a Masonically designedbronze idol of the Virgin Mary, later hoisted upon the White House Domein 1863] has sharpened a million daggers to pierce my breast, would bemore than a miracle.’ ” {3} [Emphasis added]Chiniquy then concluded his meeting with the President with these words:“I knew the hour to leave had come, I asked from the President permissionto fall on my knees, and pray with him that his life might be spared: and heknelt with me. But I prayed more with my tears and sobs, than with mywords. Then I pressed his hand on my lips and bathed it with my tears, andwith a heart filled with an unspeakable desolation, I bade him Adieu! It wasfor the last time! For the hour was fast approaching when he was to fall <strong>by</strong>the hands of a Jesuit assassin, for his nation’s sake.” {4} [Emphasis added]Indeed it was! But why? President Lincoln resisted the policy of the Jesuitsand the Radicals. For, they sought to create a new government with a new citizenshipvia the Fourteenth Amendment. Lincoln wanted the Southern States to re-enter theUnion with the same status with which they had left the Union. Clearly, he, likeAndrew Johnson, would never have promoted the Fourteenth Amendment. (It wasthis open refusal to promote the Fourteenth Amendment for which Lincoln wasassassinated and Johnson was impeached although never expelled from office <strong>by</strong> theSenate. Being a Southerner, Johnson was openly against the Order’s “anti-Mason”Thaddeus Stevens’ Fourteenth Amendment. But secretly, Johnson served theCompany <strong>by</strong> working with his Masonic brethren who protected Lincoln’s assassin inobedience to their master, Shriner Albert Pike!) This would have frustrated thepurposes of the Jesuits in creating a new government with absolute powers.Further, the Jesuits and the Radicals sought to intermix the Whites and Blacksof both the North and the South. This would make Fourteenth AmendmentThe Jesuits – 1865

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