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446 Vatican AssassinsBut there are those in government and high finance within both Empires whoare not willing to participate. Their power and fortunes will not be used to this end. So,they must be ushered out of this world in a most terrifying way! Death <strong>by</strong> drowning,amidst the screams, yells, shrieks, wailing and weeping of helpless men, women andchildren floundering in the North Atlantic, the innocents will plunge ten thousand feetto their nightmarish doom!Therefore, the White Star Line is created to bring the immigrant traffic – Irish,French and Italian Roman Catholics – into the United States pursuant to Rome’s planof “making Am<strong>eric</strong>a dominantly Catholic.” But the deathship Titanic is built, inhated Protestant Belfast, to be sunk and will be used to entice three hundred andtwenty-five of the world’s richest and finest to board “the unsinkable” man-mademonster, loaded with an additional nineteen hundred Protestant and Catholic“animals.” With the first-class fare being fifty thousand Federal Reserve Notes <strong>by</strong>today’s standard, multi-millionaires board the ship, three of them Jewish —Benjamin Guggenheim, Isidor Straus, the head of “Macy’s” department stores, andFreemason John Jacob Astor – a frequent passenger on the White Star line and th<strong>eric</strong>hest man in the world other than the Pope of Rome residing in Caesar’s Palace.The Captain of the ship is Brother Edward J. Smith, S.J., the world’sgreatest pilot and master of the North Atlantic waters, seasoned with twenty-six yearson the high seas. Captain Smith is indeed one of the Black Pope’s unseen andunknown Temporal Coadjutors. This means he was not a priest but a “Jesuit of theshort robe,” as the French would call him, serving the Order in his profession. He“without will or intelligence” will commit this crime – this shameless and heartlessatrocity – at the will of his master who holds him “as a little crucifix” and “who useshim as it suits him best.” Edward Smith has been required for “martyrdom.”Departing southern England from the port of Southampton at 12:00 noon onApril 10, 1912, the Captain’s master had boarded. This man was the most powerfulJesuit in Ireland and answered directly to the Jesuit General, Francis Xavier Wernz.The Captain’s master was the Provincial-Superior of the Irish Province (whichincludes Australia) of the Society of Jesus, Francis M. Browne. The presence ofIreland’s most powerful man on board the ship was made publicly known in the video,Secrets of the Titanic, in its “Acknowledgments,” released in 1986.The Jesuit Father Provincial (of which there are only ten for the Am<strong>eric</strong>anEmpire) spent a day on the deathship taking pictures of the passengers, knowing fullwell their fate! After stopping at the French port in Cherbourg from which Astorboarded, the video, narrated <strong>by</strong> Hollywood actor (a pro-Bill Clinton activist and nowaiding Janet Reno’s bid to be Florida’s next governor) Martin Sheen (who renamedhimself after Bishop Fulton J. Sheen), another darling of the Jesuits having visitedtheir former Novitiate of St. Isaac Jogues in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, reveals:The Jesuits – 1912

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