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Chapter 23 293Eugene Sue was cut from the same mold as the great anti-Jesuit and RomanCatholic French patriot, General Lafayette. In fact they were contemporaries. Hepublished his masterpiece and international bestseller, The Wandering Jew, in 1844.At that time the powers of the Holy Alliance were supreme in Europe. France,however, was enjoying the non-absolutist rule of its “Citizen-King,” Louis Philippe.Prince Metternich of the Austrian House of Hapsburg was still alive using thearmies of the Monarchs to suppress and murder any people that would dare attempt apopular revolution. The Spanish people had expelled the Jesuits in 1820 andattempted to establish popular government. But the invading French army sent <strong>by</strong> theJesuits’ most powerful Freemason in France, Louis XVIII, crushed them.By 1844 France was enjoying good government, its beloved “Citizen King”Louis Philippe having expelled the Order in 1831. Praise God! But the otherpeoples of Europe were becoming more and more oppressed <strong>by</strong> the power of theJesuits controlling the affairs of States according to the purposes of the Holy Alliance.They remembered the relative liberty given to them <strong>by</strong> Napoleon (as he used them topunish the Monarchs) and looked to the successful republican example of ProtestantAm<strong>eric</strong>a. They yearned for that same freedom and were willing to die for it duringthis progressive and accomplished Nineteenth Century, the greatest of centuries!At this time The Wandering Jew was published. Typical of the great,expressive heart of the French, the story draws from its reader every extreme ofhuman emotion. Love, hate, joy, sorrow, hope, disappointment, suspense, courage,intrigue and surprise so grip the reader that the novel becomes irresistible. Therighteous priest Gabriel, the poor but loyal hunchback Mother Bunch, the assassinFaringhea, the beautiful and accomplished Adrienne, the courageous Indian princeDjalma, the old soldier of Napoleon’s army Dagobert, and General Simon’s innocentlittle girls, Rose and Blanche, are but a few of the wonderful characters used toconvey a story of so great a magnitude and final tragedy as to move anyone with aheart to action — action against the Jesuit Order!One of the key characters is Rodin the Jesuit. He is thoroughly evil, deceptive,treacherous, heartless, and completely loyal to the General in Rome. He is the keyplayer in attempting to steal a huge fortune from a French Protestant family, which isheld in trust <strong>by</strong> a Jew.Another character is the Jesuit, Abbe Marquis d’Aigrigny. The author assignsthis traitor the perfect narrative describing the function and power of the Order. Weread:“What ought not to be sacrificed in order to reign in secret over theall-powerful of the earth, who lord it in full day? This journey to Rome,The Jesuits – 1844

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