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Vatican AssassinsNew York Governor Alfred E. Smith, Patrick Cardinal Hayes &Knight of Malta Nicholas Fred<strong>eric</strong> Brady, 1878 – 1930 #105 Acontemporary of J. P. Morgan, Joseph P. Grace, Edward L. Doheny, andJohn D. Rockefeller, Jr., while being the close friend of New York Jesuits,Thomas J. Delihant, S.J., and the future Francis Cardinal Spellman (“aJesuit of the short robe” and of the heart), Irish Catholic Nicholas F. Bradywas one of the five most powerful men of the early Twentieth Century. Oneof the original twelve founding members of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an SMOM, Bradyrose to become owner, director, or chairman of over one hundredcorporations, including Chrysler Corporation, Brooklyn Subway, NationalCity Bank and Anaconda Copper. Privy to the sinking of Titanic, theJesuits’ Bolshevik Revolution, the Teapot Dome Scandal and the StockMarket Crash of 1929, here he is receiving a Knights of Columbus awardfrom the “Military Vicar” and Archbishop of New York (with the IrishKnight of Columbus Al Smith standing alongside) as a most faithfulKnight of Malta. Nicholas and his wife, Genevieve, called “the Duchess,”were both members of the Sovereign Military Order of Malta and gavemillions to the Jesuit Order including their three million dollar LongIsland mansion, “Inisfada,” and over one million dollars for the completionof an elaborate Jesuit Novitiate in Wernersville, Pennsylvania in 1930. AHouse of Bread: The Jesuits Celebrate 70 Years in Wernersville, Pennsylvania,Kathy M. Scogna, (Wernersville, Pennsylvania: Kathy M. Scogna, 2000) p. 17.The Jesuits – 1882 - 1917

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