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124 Vatican AssassinsTherefore,“From this time forward Jesuits who ventured into England wereremorselessly hunted down, persecuted, and executed (125 <strong>by</strong> the time ofQueen Elizabeth’s death in 1603); and the law imposing fines on Catholicsfor non-attendance at Protestant services, which had remained a dead-lettersince it received the royal assent at the beginning of Elizabeth’s reign, wasresuscitated and put into rigorous execution . . . This change of policy isfrequently attributed to the well-known mission to England of the Jesuits,Campion and Parsons. But they landed in England as far back as April 1580;and it was not until after Lord Oxford’s disclosure in December and theproclamation in January that Campion was apprehended and sentenced todeath. These dates make it clear that it must have been Lord Oxford’sdramatic interview that induced the Queen to take her first step against herCatholic subjects . . . ” {15}Who was this Edward de Vere, Queen Elizabeth’s greatest courtier and theJesuits’ greatest enemy, having foiled the Pope’s plots to overthrow England’sgreatest Monarch? He was none other than the one we know today as “WilliamShakespeare.” For,“ . . . it has become impossible to hesitate any longer in proclaimingEdward de Vere, Seventeenth Earl of Oxford, as the real author of‘Shakespeare’s’ works.” {16}And why would the true authorship of the works of “Shakespeare” besuppressed to this day? Because this Protestant, Bible-reading, honourable Englishknight, the enemy of the Jesuit Provincial Henry Garnett and greatest swordsmanof the realm, used his pen – mightier than his sword – to thwart the designs of theJesuits as they attempted to destroy the Reformation, wrought <strong>by</strong> the Spirit of God,and to restore the Temporal Power of the Pope over Britain. With their tool, WilliamCecil – who openly displayed prayer beads while a Catholic advisor during the reignof Queen Mary I of England (“Bloody Mary”), who always attempted to please theJesuits’ Philip II, who advised Elizabeth to marry the Catholic Archduke Charles ofAustria (known also as Charles of Styria, being the son of the Holy Roman Emperor,Ferdinand I) rather than Protestant Leicester and who hired the Jesuit HenryGarnett to spread a nasty rumor about Edward de Vere – the Sons of Loyola robbed“the Red Knight” of his eighty-six estates. They also robbed him of his right to thethrone and, through both Cecil and Masonic Francis Bacon, destroyed the memoryof his great name, continuing to perpetuate the lie that some illiterate, money-hungry,grain dealer of Stratford-on-Avon wrote the masterpieces of the man whom the BritishEmpire has voted “the most important personality of the last millennium.”The Jesuits – 1588

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