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492 Vatican AssassinsPrussia . . . Thanks to von Papen, member of the Zentrum [Germany’sRoman Catholic political party] since 1920 and owner of the party’sofficial paper, Germania, Hitler came into power on 30 January 1933.”{37}The Jesuits’ Knights of Malta not only financed Hitler, but Franz von Papen, theKnight of Malta who negotiated the Concordat between Pope Pius XII (formerlyknown as “the German Pope”) and Hitler, declared on January 14, 1934:“The Third Reich is the first power which not only recognizes, butwhich puts into practice the high principles of the papacy.” {38}5. The Jesuits, having put FDR into office with Knight of Malta Joe Kennedy,attempted to make the President a fascist, military dictator. To make this happen, theJesuits used the Knights of Malta, John J. Raskob in particular. Raskob wasChairman of the Board of General Motors and the major financier of theJesuit-controlled Democratic party. The plot was stopped <strong>by</strong> the great Am<strong>eric</strong>an heroand two-time winner of the Medal of Honor, General Smedley Butler. We read:“Raskob was one of the 13 founding SMOM [Sovereign Military Orderof Malta] members in the U.S. and was also the treasurer of theSMOM’s U.S. component when he was implicated in a military plot toseize the White House in the early 1930’s. (The goal was to turnPresident Franklin Roosevelt into either a Mussolini-type strongman ora figurehead. But the scheme was exposed when General SmedleyButler, U.S. Marine Corps commander, blew the whistle on Raskob andcoup plotters.) [In Jesuit Temporal Coadjutor Oliver Stone’s homemovie JFK, Director’s Cut, it is intriguing to see Knight of Malta Clay L.Shaw referring to his ‘butler’ as ‘Smedley’.]” {39}The full story is given <strong>by</strong> Jules Archer in The Plot to Seize the White House.In 19391. The Jesuits brought Generalissimo Francisco Franco the fascist to power after hedestroyed the Spanish republic that expelled the order in 1932. Rome called Spain’squest for popular liberty a “communist revolution.” One of our heroes, the convertedex-Jesuit priest, Alberto Rivera tells us:“In the last half of the 1800’s Spain was going through politicalconvulsions. Her Roman Catholic monarchy was tottering and the queenwas dethroned in 1868 [and the Jesuits were expelled]. Spain became arepublic, which only lasted for two years. Then the monarchy wasrestored until 1923. As political conditions grew worse, Spain againThe Jesuits – 1914 - 1945

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