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Chapter 38 539Israelites to enter the Am<strong>eric</strong>an, British or Russian Empires. They must, like sheepwithout a shepherd, be driven back to Palestine into the arms of Satan’s Nazi SSMajor, the Masonic Moslem Grand Mufti of Jerusalem – Haj Amin al-Husseini(Yassir Arafat’s uncle) –another Grand Inquisitor whose future successor would aidthe Order in destroying both Mosques of the city! World War II accomplished itspurpose. Using the same Vatican Ratlines through which the Nazis were escapingfrom the Allied authorities in Europe (illegally, many were brought into Am<strong>eric</strong>athrough the complicity of Spellman’s Irish Roman Catholic immigration czar,Edward M O’Connor), the Jews began to flood into their ancient homeland. In 1945,the United Nations was formed in Jesuit-controlled San Francisco. In 1948, Rome’sMasonic Zionists declared Israel to be a sovereign nation. This declaration wasacknowledged <strong>by</strong> President Truman, the Order’s Shriner Freemason, in elevenminutes! And thanks to Cardinal Spellman rallying his South Am<strong>eric</strong>an dictators,Israel was admitted into the United Nations. Of Spellman we read:“Instead of taking a public stand, he [Spellman] would operate behind thescenes <strong>by</strong> ‘personally calling on every South Am<strong>eric</strong>an country to cast theirvotes for Israel’ . . . There was little doubt that Spellman knew U.N.delegates . . . After a bitter struggle, Israel was admitted to the UnitedNations <strong>by</strong> a vote of thirty-seven to twelve. The Israelis had turned to anumber of men of prominence, including John Foster Dulles [whose sonAvery Dulles is a Jesuit Cardinal], to promote their cause. But CharlieSilver was convinced that Spellman had been the deciding factor, . . . ” {13}[Emphasis added](Dear truth-seeker, why did the Vatican refuse to formally recognize the nation ofIsrael from 1948 to 1993 when one of its greatest Jesuit-trained tools, CardinalSpellman, was responsible for its admittance into the United Nations? Our lesson isthat Rome, the two-headed Janus, always has two policies. The first is her open butfalse policy, intended for public consumption. The second is her secret but true policy,intended to be pursued. In this light, what true policy is Pope John Paul II following– the man who worked for I. G. Farben near Auschwitz during World War II – thatwould cause him to formally recognize the Jewish State and ask its forgiveness for theCrusades, Inquisitions and Third Reich? The only answer is that the JesuitGeneral’s “infallible” Pope will say anything and do anything to gain possession ofJerusalem! Ah, dear truth-seeker, “the ends always justify the means.” This principlewill surface again when dealing with the Kennedy Assassination.)Now that Zionist Israel was a member of Rome’s United Nations, she needed asecret police to keep her politicians, like Yitzak Rabin, in line. So the Nazi whohelped to set up the CIA was also used to train the Mossad. He was the Pope’s Knightof Malta, Reinhard Gehlen. And if this Jesuit-Nazi-Zionist relationship were ever tosurface, the evidence would be “liquidated.” Mark Lane tells us:The Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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