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530 Vatican Assassinsarmy was only eighteen kilometers away and forbidden to fire a shot! Do you nowunderstand why the Jesuits would not allow Admiral Canaris to prematurelysurrender Germany to the Am<strong>eric</strong>ans? Do you now understand why General Patton,who wanted to unite the surrendered German Army with his Third Army for thepurpose of attacking the secret Jesuit Empire of Soviet Russia (just as the Jesuit SSGeneral Heinrich Himmler supposedly sought to do for which he was “stripped ofhis powers,” ordered “to be shot” <strong>by</strong> Jesuit-controlled Hitler and was later “poisoned”<strong>by</strong> the SIS there<strong>by</strong> escaping the rage of Allied justice), was murdered <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits’OSS? Do you now understand why General Vlasov, who sought to liberate Russialeading his hundreds of thousands of patriotic Russian soldiers, was betrayed into thebloody hands of Joseph Stalin <strong>by</strong> that filthy pig and coward, General Eisenhower?Do you now understand why every order Hitler gave from his bunker in Berlin servedonly to destroy the German people, whose grandfathers had expelled the Jesuits in1872? Do you now understand why the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire throughout the entire ColdWar has given food, technology and high finance to the “USSR?” The Cold Warserved tremendous purposes for the Jesuits in control of the Vatican and it had to bemaintained until those purposes were fulfilled <strong>by</strong> 1990. Those purposes were not onlythe building of the Russian War Machine and its intelligence community, the KGB,with its opposite number, the CIA espionage state in Fourteenth AmendmentAm<strong>eric</strong>a, but the using of the staged opposition between these two “superpowers,” inattempting to force nations into alignment with one or the other, creating a UnitedNations world police state in the hands of the Black Pope. We must not forget that <strong>by</strong>the end of the Cold War the Protestant British Empire – so hated <strong>by</strong> the JesuitGeneral’s “infallible” Pope – had been destroyed and sixty-five nations of the freeworld had been betrayed into the Jesuit-controlled Inquisitional dungeon of atheisticCommunism. These merciless crimes created worldwide anti-Am<strong>eric</strong>anism –another purpose of the Cold War – as we were and continue to be hated for allowingRome’s CFR-controlled, socialist-communist, Am<strong>eric</strong>an government to spread andmaintain the Jesuits’ Holy Office of the Inquisition.What scare tactic could be used to force the peoples of the West into acceptingas fact the great “Communist Threat” in the East there<strong>by</strong> justifying “the Cold War”?It was the splitting of the atom creating a nuclear device that, when carefullydetonated, unleashed mass destruction. This device, given to both sides, would justifythe establishment of that criminal organization called “the United Nations” in NewYork. It would also coerce the peoples of the world into sacrificing their nationalsovereignties into the hands of a World Authority — the Papal Caesar.Towards the end of World War II, the Jesuits, with their Manhattan Project,detonated a nuclear device. Using the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Army Air Force they destroyed thetargets of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, Washington, D.C. having refused terms for aJapanese surrender. (It is outrageous to realize that both cities were old Jesuitdominions. The future Jesuit General, Pedro Arrupe, was Rector and novice masterThe Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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