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Chapter 48“We see Rome’s satanic, Nazi Fourth Reich using United States troops tomurder the leaders and peoples of nations so that the Roman Antichrist canplace his own like-minded leaders in the place of those he ordered to beassassinated or murdered [as in the assassination of Knight of ColumbusJohn F. Kennedy and thus replacing him with Shriner Freemason LyndonB. Johnson]. These actions are causing all the nations of the world to hatethe people of the United States of Am<strong>eric</strong>a. We who were once the mostloved nation are now the most hated. The Antichrist in Rome doesn’t allowhis world-controlled media to fully tell the truth about what the people ofother nations think about us or why they think this way. They hate us becauseof what the Antichrist, through the high-ranking Roman Nazi agents, whichhave infiltrated our government, is doing to them [Serbians, Moslems, etc.].When these nations respond to the Roman Nazi agents’ unholy aggressionwhich is coming from the U.S. through the orders of the Antichrist in Rome,the Pope’s [CFR-controlled] media and his puppets lead us to believe weshould go to war against them. Would you not hate someone who’s bombingyou, your family and your friends for no apparent reason? . . . The BATF,FBI, DEA, the Federal Bureau Task Force, CIA, CFR, Knights of Malta, allthese are branches of the Vatican. The Vatican doesn’t care at all if you comeagainst a president, a king, a queen, or one of these branches, because they’renothing but smokescreens for the Pope. . . .President [George W.] Bush is the most Catholic president we’ve ever had.He is surrounded with cardinals. From the beginning of his presidency,George [W.] Bush has been promoting the Vatican-Nazi Jesuit agenda. Twomonths into his presidency, surrounded <strong>by</strong> cardinals of Rome, the Presidentdedicated a cultural center in Washington, D.C., to the greatest enemy thisRepublic has ever had, the Pope of Rome. Bush declared that he is going toenforce the words and teachings of the Pope here in Am<strong>eric</strong>a. [According toPatricia Zapoa of the Catholic News Service, March 24, 2001] PresidentBush said,“The best way to honor Pope John Paul II, truly one of thegreatest men, is to take his teachings seriously, to listen to hiswords and put his words and his teachings into action here inAm<strong>eric</strong>a.” {11} [Emphasis added]Tony Alamo, April-June, 2003Evangelical Am<strong>eric</strong>an PastorAlamo Christian MinistriesWorld Newsletterwww.alamoministries.comThe Jesuits – 1964 - 2000

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