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Chapter 47Could this have been the beginning of the rise of the Lee Iacocca’s star,leading to his appointment in 1970 as President of Ford Motor Company [founded <strong>by</strong>Freemason Henry Ford], then to his appointment in 1975 as the President of Chrysler[founded <strong>by</strong> Freemason Walter P. Chrysler], and finally the U.S. Government loanto Chrysler in 1979 resulting in the making of an Am<strong>eric</strong>an hero?And who was the force in Congress that was ultimately responsible for thepassing of the Act creating the Loan Guarantee Board that extended the loan toChrysler? Iacocca declares that it was House Speaker, Thomas “Tip” O’Neill.“Tip O’Neill was our real point man in Congress. . . . As soon as heturned on his lights to help us, the tide started to turn. . . . By the timethe vote came, we had a lot of backers in Congress. Still, Tip O’Neill’ssupport was crucial. Just before the vote, he stepped down as Speakerand spoke as the representative from Massachusetts. In an impassionedplea for the loan guarantees . . . Tip used raw emotion to sell his guys inthe House. He was one of our leaders in this whole episode. . . . Whenthe vote came in, the House had agreed <strong>by</strong> a two-to-one margin(271-136) to help Chrysler get back on its feet.” {7} [Emphasis added]What is the significance of Tip O’Neill helping Lee Iacocca in securing theloan? Tip O’Neill strongly resisted the proceedings of the House Select Committeeon Assassinations in 1976 as covered in our previous chapter.Here we have two Papal Knights, Iacocca and O’Neill, involved in theassassination of President Kennedy through willful acts of suppressing evidence. Thefirst Knight was Lee Iacocca, a highly placed official in one of Rome’s corporategiants, it composing a part of the Jesuits’ Military Industrial Complex. (RememberNicholas Brady, the multimillionaire, Papal Knight of Malta and personal friend ofthe Jesuit General’s Francis Spellman, was one of the original owners of Chrysler.)Ford Motor Company had helped to build Hitler’s and Stalin’s War Machines duringthe Second Thirty Years’ War and therefore had a financial interest in continuingthe war in Vietnam. (The guidance unit of the air-to-air missile known as “theSidewinder or AIM - 9” was built <strong>by</strong> Philco-Ford.)The second Knight was Tip O’Neill. Being the Speaker, he was the mostpowerful man in the House of Representatives for ten years. Handling the nation’sbusiness, it was the House that had been responsible for borrowing 220 billion dollarsin credit from the Jesuits’ Federal Reserve Bank (managed <strong>by</strong> the Council onForeign Relations) to finance the Vietnam War. The returns for this “investment”would be the fantastic profits generated from the International Drug Trade, whilefurther destroying the Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire’s “heretic” and“liberal” population with debt, drugs, disease, and demoralization.The Jesuits – 1979

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