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Chapter 26 337Benito Pablo Juarez, 1806 – 1872 #93 President and Protestant Reformerof Mexico 1860 - 1863 and 1867 - 1872 This full-blooded native ZapotecIndian is Mexico’s greatest patriot, Civil War commander and fineststatesman of integrity, ability and undying determination in his quest to makehis beloved country a nation among nations. Having studied for thepriesthood as a young man, he became the most dreaded enemy of theSociety of Jesus while hating the Temporal Power of the Papal Caesar inRome. He exiled the Archbishop of Mexico along with five Bishops,confiscated all of the Pope’s Church property composing the finest lands ofthe Nation, expelled the Spanish ambassador and hated Prince Metternich’sHoly Alliance. He enforced the “liberal” Constitution of 1857 securing theProtestant rights of freedom of speech and freedom of the press, utterlycondemned <strong>by</strong> the Black Pope’s Council of Trent. He sought to establisha Middle Class and repudiated the National Debt. In 1867 he rightlyexecuted Mexico’s usurper and tyrant, Ferdinand Maximilian of the Order’sHouse of Hapsburg, sent <strong>by</strong> France’s Napoleon III, further outraging theJesuits! For refusing to uphold the Pope’s Temporal Power, Juarez becamea “rebel king” and therefore a “tyrant” according to the Satanic doctrines ofthe Spanish Jesuit, Francisco Suarez. In 1872 he died at his desk, a victim of“the poison cup.” The McGraw-Hill Encyclopedia of World Biography, (New York:McGraw-Hill Inc., 1973) Vol. 6, pp. 75-78.The Jesuits – 1861 - 1865

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