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Vatican AssassinsBy 1812 the Jesuits had punished their enemies with Napoleon. It was now time todestroy his Grande Armee, as those men would not allow the restoration of the oldabsolute monarchies. So Napoleon attacked Russia and then abandoned his patrioticsoldiers, those men having hated absolute monarchy with all their hearts, to thewinter snow and Russian army. Of the retreat from Moscow Count LeoNikolayevich Tolstoy writes in his War and Peace:“One army fled and the other pursued . . . But after a four days’ halt themob, with no maneuvers or plans, again began running along the beatentrack, neither to the right nor to the left but along the old – the worst –road . . . At the Berezina they again became disorganized, many weredrowned and many surrendered, but those who got across the river fledfarther. Their supreme chief donned a fur coat and, having seatedhimself in a sleigh, galloped on alone, abandoning his companions.” {9}This Napoleon Bonaparte, the Roman Catholic Freemason and pawn of theJesuits, was not only a traitor to France but a mass murderer, as he was responsible forabandoning a quarter of a million dead, frozen or starving men in the snows of Russia.He should have been hanged for being not only a traitor but also a coward. And whogave him the order to abandon his army? It could only be his masters, the Jesuits, whohad, in the words of Eugene Sue, brought him from nothingness to become Emperorof the French and master of the world!(Dear truth-seeker, one hundred and thirty years later the Jesuits would order thedestruction of the German Army in the East. Their tool, Adolf Hitler, duringOperation Barbarossa, would “snatch defeat from the jaws of victory,” destroyinghis army in the snows of Russia. He, like Napoleon, insured an Allied victory with theagents of the Jesuits determining the terms of surrender.)Following Napoleon’s Russian campaign – his successful betrayal and murderof hundreds of thousands of freedom-loving republican soldiers – the Jesuits sought torestore the old order of things. The Jesuit Order was revived in 1814 and theCongress of Vienna began as well. Meanwhile, Napoleon was rewarded for a jobwell done with an annual pension of two million francs while on the island of Elba.But the Monarchs at the Congress of Vienna squabbled; so, the Jesuits broughtNapoleon back to France, known as “the hundred days.” This frightened theMonarchs into coming to terms with each other. With the Congress of Vienna havingfulfilled the purpose of the Jesuit Order, the soldiers of France could now be finallydefeated. Napoleon gathered an army of French patriots and deliberately sacrificed itat Waterloo <strong>by</strong> attacking the wrong point of the British line. We read concerningGeneral “Stonewall” Jackson’s observations:The Jesuits – 1789 - 1815

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