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Chapter 38 537of Amtorg, the trading organization of the Soviet government in New York,and of Gostorg, the general office of the Soviet Trade Organization, and ofthe State Bank of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics and you will bestaggered to see how much Am<strong>eric</strong>an money has been taken from the UnitedStates’ Treasury for the benefit of Russia. Find out what business has beentransacted for the State Bank of Soviet Russia <strong>by</strong> its correspondent, the ChaseBank of New York . . . (Congressional Record, June 15, 1933).” {12}Thus, the Jesuits, while raising a formal cry against the communist “USSR”and satellite nations, were secretly its masters accomplishing their goals during theirCold War of attrition. Under their communist-fascist dictators there would be no roomfor the free circulation of the Protestant Bible or the rise of popular self-government.This is why the Hungarian Revolution instigated <strong>by</strong> Allen Dulles and the CIA, wascrushed in 1956, the Jesuits punishing freedom-loving Roman Catholics with theirRussian Army. This is why the Jesuits used their CIA to betray freedom-loving RomanCatholic Cubans at the Bay of Pigs. The Dark Ages had been restored in the East asreflected in the doctrines of the Jesuits’ Council of Trent and Holy Alliance. TheJesuits’ fascist-socialist-communist-military dictators around the world were enforcingthese doctrines of condemning the circulation of the Bible, freedom of speech,freedom of the press and freedom of conscience and gun ownership. At the same timethe dictators secretly established the Temporal Power of the Pope.The Jesuits’ Cold War of attrition, while suppressing the rise of populargovernment worldwide, murdered millions of “heretic” Buddhists, Orthodox,Protestants, Baptists and Jews along with the freedom-loving “liberal” RomanCatholics. The murder of Roman Catholic priests of other Orders, as well as a fewfreedom-loving Catholic people, was necessary to perpetuate the illusion that Stalin’sSoviet Communism was anti-Jesuit/Catholic (having “imprisoned” or rather stationeda ruling Am<strong>eric</strong>an Inquisitor, Jesuit Walter Ciszek, to manage Siberia’s GulagArchipelago for fifteen years overseen <strong>by</strong> Cardinal Agagianian, and later returnedto the U.S. under John F. Kennedy) while purging the priesthood of its “liberal”element. While Protestants and Catholics in the West were being united against the“Jewish Anti-Christian Communist Conspiracy” in the East, “the Cold War” justifiedthe building of huge military industrial complexes and massive intelligence agencieson “both sides”! The military complexes would be subject to the intelligencecommunities and both sides would be financed <strong>by</strong> Vatican-controlled internationalbanks, such as Chase Manhattan. (Is there not a Chase Manhattan Bank in New Yorkand a Chase Manhattan Bank in Moscow as well as in Hong Kong?) Like the banks,the intelligence communities would be controlled <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits’ Knights of Malta andShriner Freemasonry working together. (Did not Knight of Malta Lee Iacocca andShriner Freemason Gerald Ford work together to repair the Statue of Liberty?) Asalways, the goal was to submit every nation to the Temporal Power of the Pope, ashe would ultimately rule the world from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple in Jerusalem.The Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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