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670 Vatican AssassinsThe life and message of Robert Mendelsohn was hated <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits’Medical Inquisition controlled <strong>by</strong> the AMA, ADA and FDA through the New YorkCardinal’s Council on Foreign Relations. Clearly this “perfidious Jew” wasbelievable! Therefore, one day in good health at the age of sixty-three, payback timehad arrived for this “obstinate heretic.” He suddenly died, a victim of “the poison cup”at the hand of another Vatican Assassin, “invisible until his stroke was felt.”Dr. Leonard Horowitz is of the same caliber as was Dr. Mendelsohn. In hisfantastic book, Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, he connects the Vatican’s Knightsof Malta to the Nazis, the drug Companies, and the AIDS/Cancer virus makers withinthe CIA.“The Gehlen Org, the German intelligence agency run <strong>by</strong> ReinhardGehlen, was even more powerful than the Merk net. The Orgsuperseded even the Nazi SS . . . In fact, Gehlen’s organization islargely credited for giving rise to the CIA . . . to shield Gehlen and theentire German intelligence network from harm’s way. Gehlen was aranking official in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM),which maintained inconceivable financial and political influence. . . .Somehow I wasn’t surprised to learn that financial motives . . . were atthe heart of SMOM and the Nazi-Am<strong>eric</strong>an alliance . . . Soon after thewar, OSS found the extensive documentation of a meeting…betweenrepresentatives of the SS . . . and firms like . . . I. G. Farben [itspresident and Papal Knight of Malta, Herman Schmitz, being theDirector of Hitler’s Deutsche Bank and a close personal friend of theFuhrer’s ambassador to the Vatican, Knight of Malta Franz vonPapen] . . . [The] world’s masses knew nothing about the partnership,formed between John D. Rockefeller’s Standard Oil Company,Germany’s I. G. Farben, and Hitler’s Third Reich. The ‘pirates ofWall Street,’ Allen and John Foster Dulles, of the [CFR’s] law firmSullivan & Cromwell, had secretly negotiated this alliance. It was notknown to allied airmen, flying bombing missions over Germany, whythe I.G. Farben plants, where Hitler’s munitions were made, wereexempted from attack. Likewise, when the I. G. Farben-RockefellerConsortium used concentration camp victims as slaves to build and runtheir factories it never made the news [controlled <strong>by</strong> Knight of MaltaHenry R. Luce]. Nor was it heralded that this same team patented andsold the gas that the Nazis used in the concentration camps to sendmillions to their graves. Recent headlines have asked to know where theNazi gold went. Historians only recently recorded that the Rockefeller’sChase Bank [manned <strong>by</strong> a high Knight of Malta, Joseph J. Larkin]was among the largest recipients . . . ” {16} [Emphasis added]The Jesuits – 1900 - 2000

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