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Chapter 49In place of proven cures, the AMA, ADA and FDA have pushed toxic,mercury-laced fillings and drugs down the throats of trusting Am<strong>eric</strong>ans. This hasresulted in the unnecessary suffering and death of millions while at this writing thereare one hundred million chronically ill people in the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire.Two brilliant Jews, responsible for the exposure of the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Medical andDental Inquisitions are Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn and Dr. Leonard Horowitz. Dr.Mendelsohn, in his classic, Confessions of a Medical Heretic, likens the medicalestablishment to the Roman Catholic Institution, calling it “the Church of ModernMedicine.” The doctors are priests, the birth certificate is the baptismal certificate,toxic silver nitrate applied to the eyes at birth is baptism, the nurses are inquisitors,etc. He writes:“I do not believe in Modern Medicine. I am a medical heretic. I believethat Modern Medicine’s treatments for disease . . . are more dangerousthan the diseases they are designed to treat. I believe that more thanninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the face of theearth – doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment – and the effect on ourhealth would be immediate and beneficial . . . For the hospital is theTemple of the Church of Modern Medicine and thus one of the mostdangerous places on earth . . . There’s plenty to be afraid of. The Godthat resides in the Temple of Modern Medicine is Death . . . Thedoctor-priest gets away with a lot because he can claim to be up againstthe very Forces of Evil . . . Never is he seen in his true light — as theagent of the Devil . . .We have a Medical Inquisition. The first sign of an inquisition is theselling of indulgences . . . Medical insurance is the doctor’s version ofindulgences . . . Like the communion wafer which Catholics receive onthe tongue, drugs are the communion wafers of Modern Medicine. . . .Try getting from one end of life to the other without paying your dues toModern Medicine: immunizations, fluoridated water, intravenous fluidsand silver nitrate . . . When you get to the cathedrals and the little“Vaticans” of Modern Medicine, you are up against priests who havethe weight of infallibility behind them. They can do no wrong, so theyare most dangerous . . . ” {15} [Emphasis added]Dr. Mendelsohn knew what he was describing. He had been a devotedmedical priest and had watched the Inquisitors for years, as he was well acquaintedwith the Jesuits at Loyola University in Chicago while a professor in the School ofMedicine at the University of Illinois. He later became a most eloquent andundefeated champion in exposing the crimes of modern medicine. His opponents indebate would not even make an appearance.The Jesuits – 1900 - 2000

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