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598 Vatican Assassins“A conspiracy is rarely, if ever, proved <strong>by</strong> positive testimony. When acrime of high magnitude is about to be perpetrated <strong>by</strong> a combination ofindividuals, they do not act openly, but covertly and secretly. The purposeformed is known only to those who enter into it. Unless one of the originalconspirators betray his companions and give evidence against them, theirguilt can be proved only <strong>by</strong> circumstantial evidence . . . and circumstancescan not lie.” {8} John A. Bingham, 1865Special Judge Advocate TheTrial of the Conspirators“Freed remembers what apparently passes for polite conversation whenmen such as Col<strong>by</strong> [CIA Director] and Cline get together. ‘It was quitebizarre,’ Freed said, ‘for the subject they chose was, ‘When is it acceptableto assassinate a head of state?’ ’ Col<strong>by</strong> presented what he said was atheological and philosophically sound approach. The Catholic church, hesaid, had long since wrestled with this question and had, to Col<strong>by</strong>’s mind,emerged with a sound concept. ‘It is acceptable,’ he said, ‘to assassinate atyrant.’ ” {9} [Emphasis added]Mark Lane, 1991Am<strong>eric</strong>an JuristPlausible Denial“Did [Secret Service Agent] Hickey do it? . . . He knew Hickey was seenwith an AR-15 the instant the final shot hit home. . . . Finally, he knew thebullet’s trajectory led straight to Hickey and his gun. . . . The bullet that hitKennedy in the head [in the back] came from the left rear. From thefollow-up car. From the AR-15. [Though some doubt Hickey’s involvement,he never answered Donahue’s charges and remained silent until the day hedied. Both the Secret Service and the FBI conspired to suppress evidencewhile Rowley and DeLoach met with the Jesuit Daniel J. Power atGeorgetown shortly after the murder. This is the same FBI under thecontrol of Opus Dei that is presently working with the Black Pope’sInternational Islamic Terrorist Network in training Palestinian Hamasterrorists in Kansas City and in the Black Muslim Nation of Islam’s homebase of Chicago, according to FBI Special Agent Robert Wright.]” {10}Howard Donahue, 1991Am<strong>eric</strong>an Balistics ExpertMortal ErrorThe Jesuits – 1963

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