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320 Vatican AssassinsChapter 26The Jesuits – 1861 - 1865The Am<strong>eric</strong>an “Civil War”Assassination of Mexico’s Greatest Hero, Benito Pablo Juarez“Do you wish to excite troubles, to provoke revolution, to produce the totalruin of your country? Call in the Jesuits . . . and build magnificent collegesfor these hot-headed religionists; suffer those audacious priests, in theirdictatorial and dogmatic tone, to decide on affairs of State.” {1}Priest Antoine Arnauld, 1641French Catholic Jansenist MoralTheology of the Jesuits“My lord, I can touch a bell on my right hand, and order the arrest of acitizen of Ohio; I can touch a bell again, and order the imprisonment of acitizen of New York; and no power on earth, except that of the President,can release them. Can the Queen of England do as much?” {2}William H. Seward, 1863Lincoln’s Secretary of StateTo Lord Lyons of England“This war would never have been possible without the sinister influence ofthe Jesuits. We owe it to Popery that we now see our land reddened withthe blood of her noblest sons.” {3} Abraham Lincoln, 186516 th President of the United States(Lincoln’s Private Letters,burned <strong>by</strong> his son Robert,restated <strong>by</strong> our hero,Charles Chiniquy)“ . . . the original and conspiring causes of all our future troubles are to befound in the long, active and persistent hostility of the NorthernAbolitionists [employing “the common Jesuitical artifice of tyrants”], bothin and out of Congress, against Southern slavery, until the final triumph oftheir cause in the election of President Lincoln . . . and believing slavery toThe Jesuits – 1861 - 1865

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