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382 Vatican AssassinsChapter 31The Jesuits – 1872 - 1901Refuge in the World’s Greatest Protestant Empires:Great Britain and Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>aAssassination of Am<strong>eric</strong>an President William McKinley“Our ancient enemies have small belief in our common sense if theyimagine that we shall ever be able to trust them, after having so oftenbeheld the depths of Jesuitical cunning and duplicity. The sooner we letcertain Archbishops and Cardinals know that we are aware of theirdesigns, and will in nothing cooperate with them the better for us andour country. Of course, we shall be howled at as bigots, but we canafford to smile at that cry, when it comes from the church whichinvented the Inquisition, ‘No peace with Rome’ is the motto of reason aswell as of religion.” {1} Charles Haddon Spurgeon, 1873England’s Prince of PreachersGeese in Their Hoods“If ever there was a land in which work was to be done, and perhapsmuch to suffer, it is here [England]; were it [heresy] conquered inEngland, it would be conquered throughout the world. All its lines meethere; and, therefore in England, the Church of God [Rome] must begathered in all its strength.” {2} Henry Cardinal Manning, 1880Archbishop of Westminster“To-day the Jesuit [in England] is to all intents and purposes master ofthe situation. His favourite pupils decide Protestant causes, and withcalm effrontery honour the head of their Church as a temporal princebefore the Queen, and place him in the position which he claims to behis <strong>by</strong> divine right, as king of kings and lord of lords.” {3}M. F. Cusack, 1896 ConvertedNun of Kenmare The Black PopeThe Jesuits – 1872 - 1901

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