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Chapter 26 335James Buchanan, 1791 – 1868 #91 Fifteenth President ofthese United States of Am<strong>eric</strong>a, 1857 - 1861 At first a Federalist andwitnessing the alarming centralizing tendencies of the party, JamesBuchanan switched to Jefferson’s Democratic Party and became a greatadmirer of President Andrew Jackson. As a Democrat and an advocate ofthe rights of the States not expressly delegated to the Federal government<strong>by</strong> the Constitution, President Buchanan refused to make war on theSouthern States threatening to leave the Union. Like John F. Kennedyseeking to end Cardinal Spellman’s War in Vietnam, he blamed Southernsecession on the radical Red/Black Republican Northern abolitionists andrefused to ignite Archbishop Hughes’ War Between the States, as heopposed the conspiracy of Prince Metternich’s Holy Alliance. Therefore,on the 23 rd of February 1857 at the Order’s National Hotel in Washington,D.C., the President and his Northern men were poisoned with arsenicsprinkled in their tea. Thirty-eight people died as the Order fulfilled itsbloody Oath once again. But Buchanan survived and toward the end of hisPresidency, on January 5, 1861, he sent a merchant steamer called the“Star of the West” to reinforce Fort Sumter, it carrying “troops andfoodstuffs.” This act ignited the Jesuits’ “Am<strong>eric</strong>an Civil War.” Photographof James Buchanan, purchased at the Wheatland Mansion, Lancaster, Pennsylvania.The Jesuits – 1861 - 1865

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