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Chapter 46 623same great power wielded <strong>by</strong> their predecessors and they use it! Employing themaxim “the ends justify the means” they carry out their plots “<strong>by</strong> any meansnecessary,” as the Jesuits would say, “For the greater glory of God” — the god whosits in “St. Peter’s Chair,” the “infallible” Pope of Rome and creature of Satan’sJesuit General, the Black Pope.Therefore, the last three Archbishops of New York, Cardinal Cooke,Cardinal O’Connor, and Cardinal Egan, have continued to exercise the sameall-encompassing power, or more, that Cardinal Spellman used to carry out andcover-up the assassination of JFK.As we have previously covered, the Archbishop of New York is a warrior, acommanding General. This is why he is styled “the Military Vicar” of the Am<strong>eric</strong>anEmpire. In 1921 the Council on Foreign Relations was founded <strong>by</strong> several Papalagents, one of which was the Shriner Freemason Colonel Edward House. By 1963the CFR (overseen <strong>by</strong> David Rockefeller) controlled the press, both political parties,banking, the major corporations, the government and its intelligence community.Cardinal Spellman controlled the CFR through two of his Knights of Malta. Thefirst was shipping tycoon and international industrialist, J. Peter Grace, head of theAm<strong>eric</strong>an Branch of the Knights of Malta and President of W. R. Grace & Co. of NewYork. The other was Henry R. Luce, the seventh most powerful man in the UnitedStates according to Winston Churchill, and the utter dictator over the Empire’s press,called the “Lucepress.” Between Henry R. Luce and the far-reaching influence of theCouncil on Foreign Relations including AP, UPI, the New York Times, Time, Life,Newsweek, Sports Illustrated, ABC, CBS, and NBC, the cover-up of JFK’sassassination would be fairly easy. The press, which every Am<strong>eric</strong>an considered to be“the gospel,” was controlled <strong>by</strong> the power of this one man in conjunction with theCouncil on Foreign Relations — subject to Cardinal Spellman. For Luce was aKnight of Malta; an apostate Pres<strong>by</strong>terian and spokesman for the Jesuits’ evil WorldCouncil of Churches; the betrayer of the Chinese people into the hands of Rome’sInquisitor, Mao Tse-tung; a “jet setter” and member of Yale’s “Skull & Bones”fraternity; a proponent of fascism (the Order’s favorite form of absolute government);a “Cold Warrior” having coined the phrase, “The Am<strong>eric</strong>an Century;” and a closefriend of the Jesuit John Courtney Murray, who resided at Woodstock College —the Jesuit Theological Seminary in Woodstock, Maryland.“A concept . . . Luce . . . often discussed with . . . Father Murray was theAm<strong>eric</strong>an national purpose [restoring the Pope’s Temporal Power].” {8}With all these influences Luce ran his office from New York’s Rockefeller Center,the headquarters of Time/Life. Luce made it clear in a memo to his staff:“The chief editorial policy maker for Time Inc. is Henry R. Luce . . . ”{9}The Jesuits – 1964 - 2000

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