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Chapter 18 251Napoleon Bonaparte, 1769 – 1821 #65 Emperor of the FrenchEmpire, 1804 - 1815 Being one of the greatest enigmas of history, Napoleonwas a tool of the Order. As a result of the Order’s Suppression in 1773,Napoleon, believing the people should not have the Bible in their ownlanguage pursuant to the Council of Trent, was brought to power out ofCorsica, the Order’s island fortress. Through Bonaparte’s military exploitsthe Jesuits imprisoned the Papal Caesar and drove the Roman CatholicMonarchs of Europe into exile until they had learned their lesson to neverinterfere with the POWER of the Black Pope. Here we see the greatbetrayal <strong>by</strong> the Emperor as he abandons his Grande Armee of 250,000 mento the snows and Cossacks of Russia in 1812. Those brave men, trulybelieving they were fighting for liberty, could not be allowed to return toFrance, the Order intending to reduce Europe to the tyranny of the HolyAlliance. To further dash the hopes of the French, Napoleon, betrayed <strong>by</strong>his Jesuit masters including the Jesuit-trained coadjutor Abbe Sieyes, wasconfined to St. Helena, an island in the middle of the South Atlantic Ocean,and in due time given the Order’s “poison cup” <strong>by</strong> his detested Englishjailer in 1821. Ridpath’s Universal History, John Clark Ridpath, Vol. XIV, p. 748.The Jesuits – 1789 - 1815

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