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Vatican Assassinswould be called “the Cold War.” The rebuilding of Europe and Japan would befinanced <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits’ Wall Street bankers and their Federal Reserve Bank. Thegovernment of Fourteenth Amendment Am<strong>eric</strong>a would call this “foreign aid”justifying more taxation, further destroying the White Anglo-Saxon Protestant MiddleClass. The historic Catholic and Protestant nations of Western Europe would be“united” into the “North Atlantic Treaty Organization” (NATO) against a commonenemy. That enemy, deliberately created <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits at Yalta, would be JosephStalin’s “USSR” and satellite nations called “The Warsaw Pact.” With “the IronCurtain” (the term having been first coined <strong>by</strong> the Jesuit-trained Nazi Minister ofPropaganda, that “demon of a dictatorship” and “the ultimate Machiavellian” JosephGoebbels) and “the Bamboo Curtain” erected, these “blocks” would be in a readystate of war for forty-five years. Under the guise of preparing to go to war with theWest – the West that built their Military Industrial Complexes – “the Cold War” wasin fact conducted against “liberal” and “heretic” populations <strong>by</strong> fascist-communist,Jesuit-controlled dictators. By the end of 1989 the crimes of the Jesuits’ Holy Officeof the Inquisition, under the guise of “communism,” would claim nearly one hundredmillion victims. We read from Europe’s bestseller, The Black Book of Communism:“The following rough approximation, based on unofficial estimates, givessome sense of the scale and gravity of these crimes:USSR:China:Vietnam:North Korea:Cambodia:Eastern Europe:Latin Am<strong>eric</strong>a:Africa:Afghanistan:20 million deaths65 million deaths1 million deaths2 million deaths2 million deaths1 million deaths150,000 deaths1.7 million deaths1.5 million deathsThe total approaches 100 million people killed.” {4}All this had been planned prior to the beginning of World War II.This state of affairs called “the Cold War” was a hoax. For, how could thegovernment of Soviet Russia be truly the enemy of the United States government andWestern Europe if the Knights of Malta, controlling Wall Street in New York and theGovernment in Washington, financed the Bolshevik Revolution and the building ofthe Russian War Machine before, during and after “the Cold War”? The only saneconclusion is that the men who control the government in Washington control thegovernment in Moscow. Both governments were kept in line <strong>by</strong> the Vatican’sintelligence agencies, the CIA and the KGB (now the SVR), which prevented theThe Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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