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260 Vatican Assassinsinternational organization which, while never abandoning its aim of the defense ofChristendom, is now dedicated to providing assistance in the hospitaller, charitable,and social fields in the widest possible meaning of these words. In particular theOrder comes to the aid of those stricken <strong>by</strong> natural disasters and to the casualties ofwar.THE AMERICAN ASSOCIATIONOn April 28, 1927 at the special request of the Holy Father, Pope Pius XI [whoseconfessors were Jesuits Alissiardi and Celebrano], the Supreme Council of theSovereign Military Order of Malta granted a Constitution (Charter) creating the:AMERICAN CHAPTER OF THE KNIGHTS OF THESOVEREIGN MILITARY ORDER OF MALTA(End of History of the Order of Malta having begun on page 240)Recalling previous chapters, the Knights of Malta expelled the Jesuits fromtheir island of Malta in 1768. So Napoleon the Freemason, with his French Fleet, wasused <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits to return the insult, driving the Knights from Malta, absorbingtheir weapons and treasures thirty years later. (The Order never forgives or forgets!)And to where would those ancient Crusaders go? The Knights sought andreceived protection from the Russian Tzar Paul I (having designated himself as theirGrand Master) and stayed in his Imperial Palace from 1798 onward. It just sohappened that on March 7, 1801, the Polish Jesuit Vicar General Franciskus XavierKareu, also appeared in Russia. (For it was in 1801 that the suppressed Company ofJesus was given legal existence and permission to reside in that “heretic” nation <strong>by</strong>Pope Pius VII). What reason could justify this secret rendezvous? The Knights ofMalta and the Jesuit Order had mutual interests. They both wanted to take Jerusalemaway from the Moslems and rebuild Solomon’s Temple for the Pope. So having beenhumbled <strong>by</strong> the Jesuits with Napoleon, they evidently agreed to be subordinate to theJesuit General. The Knights would never be expelled from Russia unlike the JesuitOrder. By 1878, the Jesuit-trained Pope Leo XIII gave the Grand Master of theKnights of Malta the status of a Cardinal. This act formally subordinated thesewarriors to the Pope — the now “infallible” Pope under Jesuit control.In 1927, the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Branch of the Knights of Malta was established at St.Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. One of the original thirteen founding members wasJohn J. Raskob, the Chairman of the Board for General Motors and major financierof the Democratic Party. In the 1930s these criminals, including Joseph P. Kennedy,sought to create martial law in Am<strong>eric</strong>a <strong>by</strong> making FDR, the Shriner-Freemason, aThe Jesuits – 1801 - 1814

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