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William Joseph “Wild Bill” Donovan, 1883 – 1959Founder of the OSS, Father of the CIA415Chapter 32#114This devoted Irish Roman Catholic and Knight of Malta was completelyloyal to the Black Pope, the Papal Caesar and the Archbishop of New York,Francis Cardinal Spellman. He provided high technology to Stalin’s NKVDand was the link between “Dirty” Harry Truman’s Central IntelligenceAgency overseen <strong>by</strong> Archbishop Spellman, and “Uncle” Joe Stalin’s KGBoverseen <strong>by</strong> Patriarch Agagianian. Donovan’s formal link to the highcommand of the KGB was through his arch-fiend and Chief ofCounterintelligence, Knight of Malta James Jesus Angleton. Here, in thewords of Anthony Cave Brown, “Donovan,” previously given the Pope’sLateran Medal, “is visiting Pope Pius XII to receive the Medal of St.Sylvester, the Vatican’s highest award, for a lifetime of public and secretservices to the [hierarchical] Catholic Church.” This notorious Am<strong>eric</strong>antraitor, being the spokesman for the U.S. affiliate of Hitler’s I. G. Farben inNorth Am<strong>eric</strong>a, aided the Jesuit Order in perfecting its Holy Office of theInquisition’s International Intelligence Community in command of theworld’s armies, East and West, through which the Society of Jesusmurdered nearly two hundred million people during “the Am<strong>eric</strong>anTwentieth Century” pursuant to the Black Pope’s evil Council of Trent. TheLast Hero: Wild Bill Donovan, Anthony Cave Brown, (New York: Times Books,1982).The Jesuits – 1882 - 1917

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