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242 Vatican AssassinsSo our great and learned White Anglo-Saxon, Scotch-Irish Protestant andBaptist Congress justly and generously treated the Cherokee people. (Is this not themanner in which Israel and her Islamic neighbors should cooperate to remove andrepatriate the displaced Arab Palestinians from her borders? Ah, but the Black Popewould never allow it! There must be ceaseless agitation and murder justifying moreJesuit mediation intending to secure Jerusalem’s Temple Mount for “the antichrist.”)And it was for this reason, in appreciation for their righteous treatment <strong>by</strong> the peopleof Protestant and Baptist Georgia, that the Cherokee Nation sided with the SouthernConfederacy during the War Between the States and was the last to surrender to theNorthern invaders controlled <strong>by</strong> the Order’s Radical Red Republicans in Washington.A few years later, the Jesuits would make the Cherokee pay dearly for this,along with the rest of the Indian Nations in the process of the Jesuit General creatinghis Twentieth Century Monster of Vengeance — the “Holy Roman” FourteenthAmendment Am<strong>eric</strong>an Empire. Dee Brown in her masterpiece, Bury My Heart atWounded Knee, gives a most detailed and tragic account of the systematic destructionof the Am<strong>eric</strong>an Indian during the second half of the Nineteenth Century. For theSociety of Jesus, in control of Washington, D.C. via the Republican Party, used itssavage Grande Armee of the North, led <strong>by</strong> its Roman Catholic Federal General PhilipSheridan to cruelly humiliate and destroy the Native Am<strong>eric</strong>an Indian Nationsthrough the Indian Wars of the Great Plains. Tragically for the natives, they werebetrayed <strong>by</strong> Sheridan’s evil White master they had come to trust, the Jesuit Peter DeSmet! (Dear Am<strong>eric</strong>an truth-seeker, did you learn this in high school or college? Ifyou remember, we were all singing along with Paul Revere and the Raiders’“Cherokee Nation.” This Jesuit agitation, along with the Civil Rights agitation, theabortion agitation and the Vietnam War nearly destroyed our patriotism while makingus ashamed that we were members of the great White Am<strong>eric</strong>an Gentile Race!)Under the blessing of the risen, reigning, righteous and returning Son of God,George Washington and his Calvinist army won a war and created a country with aProtestant Constitution. Andrew Jackson saved it from the British sword wielded<strong>by</strong> King George III and his Jesuits, including his Jesuit Prime Minister, RobertPetty, titled Lord Shelburne of Berkeley Square. This glorious page of history wouldnever have been written without the suppression of the Jesuit Order from 1773 to1814. May we pause for a moment of silence to thank our Heavenly Father forusing Roman Catholic sovereigns and Pope Clement XIV himself who courageouslysuppressed and abolished so odious and perfidious an Order. As we shall see, thehistory of the Jesuits will continue to be one of murder, intrigue and enslavementtowards all who resist their designs, including President John F. Kennedy who waswounded in the house of his friends, two of them being Henry R. Luce, whom hecalled “Lucy,” and J. Peter Grace, a former suitor of his sister, Kathleen.God help us to open our eyes!The Jesuits – 1775 - 1815

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