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542 Vatican Assassinsit was U.S. intelligence which gave this name to the Holy See’s escapenetworks . . . The first half of the book traces the flight of Nazi war criminalsto Am<strong>eric</strong>a after World War II. The evidence confirms that a small cabal ofVatican officials coordinated the mass evacuation of Fascist fugitives toArgentina, Australia, Canada, and of course, the United States. Under thedirection of Pope Pius XII [whose bloody World War II reign would bewhitewashed <strong>by</strong> Jesuits Pierre Blet, Angelo Martini, Burkhart Schneiderwith the aid of Pius' former confessor, Robert Leiber], Vatican officialssuch as Monsignor Giovanni Montini (later Pope Paul VI) supervised one ofthe greatest obstructions of justice in modern history.” {19} [Emphasis added](Dear truth-seeker, Pope Paul VI, the secret Cold Warrior but open Communist,would oversee Cardinal Spellman’s assassination of President Kennedy.)And who were the key players in this, the most monstrous scandal of thecentury? Two of them were Knights of Malta, William J. Casey and James Angleton.A third, Reinhard Gehlen, received an award from the Knights of Malta. We readfrom the National Catholic Reporter:“Central Intelligence Agency Director William Casey, also a Knight ofMalta . . . who declined to comment on his association with the order . . . In1948, SMOM gave its highest award of honor, the Gran Croci Al MeritoConplacca, to General Reinhard Gehlen, who ran Adolf Hitler’s spyoperation against the Soviet Union . . . SMOM gave another award, the CrociAl Merito Seconda Classe, in 1946 to James Jesus Angleton, who rancounter-espionage operations in Rome for the Office of Strategic Services(OSS), the forerunner of the CIA. Angleton [who advocated an Am<strong>eric</strong>anmilitary Crusade against the Islamic Peoples of the Middle East during the1970s] later went on to head what has been described as the CIA’s ‘Vaticandesk’, but he declines to comment on this activity.” {20} [Emphasis added]The International Intelligence Community was in place and working.Jesuit-trained William J. Casey, (who later controlled Oliver L. North and FEMA,now the National Homeland Security Agency), Angleton and Gehlen (now workingwith the Agency’s demon-possessed former head of the Gestapo, Heinrich Muller)were key players in controlling western intelligence, never dealing a true blow toRussian Communism. In the East, the Jesuits also had a most notorious agent. He wasKGB agent and Joseph Stalin’s superior, Prince Anton Turkul. This infamousTurkul was also Reinhard Gehlen’s old friend and subordinate. Another Knight ofMalta born of Russian nobility, Turkul, along with Myron Taylor and Franz vonPapen, was loyal to the Black Pope overseeing the Papal Caesar in the Vatican andtherefore further entrenched Stalin in power <strong>by</strong> eliminating “Koba’s” enemies. Weread:The Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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