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334 Vatican AssassinsPraise God!Behold the man!!We Am<strong>eric</strong>ans, in two hundred years, have never had such a hero as this!!!He’s a Mexican Oliver Cromwell!!!! Wow!!!!Ah, dear truth-seeker, these wonderful works of righteousness never gounresisted <strong>by</strong> the Devil and his shogun Priest-King, the Black Pope. With their “HolyAlliance” of European despots, England, France and Spain invaded. Our hero, Juarez,fled the capital for his life while the Austrian archduke Ferdinand Maximilian – thetool of the Jesuits’ Napoleon III of France – was made Mexico’s absolutist Emperorin 1864. After three years of stout Mexican resistance coupled with AbrahamLincoln’s enforcement of the Monroe Doctrine, Juarez prevailed, ordering therighteous execution of the Austrian usurper in 1867. This further infuriated the Jesuits!For five more years Benito Juarez remained President, pursuing his “liberal,”anti-Council of Trent policies, until he died at his desk of “apoplexy” — the poisoncup!In spite of our hero’s death however, the risen Son of God chose to deliver theMexican people, as He accounted them worthy of the liberty for which they had shedso much blood. The following year, in 1873, the glorious Mexican government – oneyear following the German Parliament’s banishment of the Order from theGerman-Prussian Empire – expelled the Jesuits from all of Mexico! Praise God!Little did the Mexican people know they would pay dearly for this! Three years laterGeneral Porfirio Diaz would come to power who in turn would restore the Jesuits.This merciless, military dictator would then rule Mexico with an iron fist, faithfullyserving the Society of Jesus for over thirty years (from 1876 to 1911), whileEmperor Meiji was ruling for the Order in Japan. Three years later, in 1914, the Sonsof Loyola would bring their Second Thirty Years’ War into Mexico resulting inover one million deaths pursuant to the Jesuit Oath and the wicked and evil Councilof Trent!Dear truth-seeker, <strong>by</strong> 1945 Mexico would be completely in the hands of theCompany’s Black Pope. Today, fifty-seven years later, our southern neighbor hasbeen reduced to a coolie nation with absolutism, crime, poverty and misery reigningsupreme. In the midst of this disgraceful, modern day Jesuit Reduction thrives amulti billion-dollar drug trade having absorbed every ruler of the land. One such ruleris Governor Felipe Gonzales of Aguascalientes. And wouldn’t you know it,Governor Gonzales is one of Archbishop Edward Egan’s most faithful and obedientKnights of Columbus!The Jesuits – 1861 - 1865

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