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Chapter 38 531of the thirty-five man Jesuit Novitiate at near<strong>by</strong> Nagatsuka when Hiroshima wasdestroyed. Unscathed, he must have known the devastation was coming – or musthave participated in it – being one of the first to enter Hiroshima and to observe theeffects of the Company’s terror weapon.) The hoax of “mutual airborne nuclear war”was successfully created. Upon the destruction of Nagasaki and Hiroshima, thedevastation was strongly promoted <strong>by</strong> Archbishop Spellman’s media moguls, Knightof Malta Henry R. Luce and Knight of Malta Frank Capra. The mass destruction“proved” the impending doom of a “nuclear holocaust” justifying the creation of anew “peace-keeping” world authority – the treasonous United Nations – that will oneday control Jerusalem’s Holy Mount while overseeing the rebuilding of a gloriousnew Third Temple — for the Pope! But the facts prove otherwise. At the time theonly nuclear devices ever detonated were stationary and on the ground! None had everbeen dropped <strong>by</strong> aircraft in testing. We will grant that objects, represented to theworld as being “atomic bombs,” were dropped over Hiroshima and Nagasaki, and thatatomic explosions followed, as attested to <strong>by</strong> one of the pilots of Enola Gay whilesailing with the author’s mother years later in the San Francisco Bay. But pilots andcrews would have no way of knowing whether it was the objects dropped <strong>by</strong> them thatexploded, or different objects already installed and in place at ground level. Further,according to engineer, author and pilot Captain Bruce L. Cathie in his Harmonic 33,nuclear detonations can only occur at certain places on the earth (called “grid points”)and at certain times. After an elaborate discussion he concludes:“Until I am informed officially otherwise, I will maintain that the destructionof an atom depends on the geometric position of the triggering device, andthe geometric position of the Sun [called “a window of opportunity”]. Is itpossible to fight an atomic war on this basis? The whole thing would becompletely illogical . . . the bomb has to be dropped on a pinpoint geometricposition and during a certain instant of time, if it is to explode. [Deartruth-seeker, were the “bombs” dropped on Japan merely ”dirty” uraniumand plutonium-laced magnesium flash devices coordinated with technicalground teams below, one of which was located at the Jesuit House in themiddle of Hiroshima and from where the underground switch was thrown(after which all five Jesuits emerged having survived the blast), detonatingthe atomic device just as it was done at the proving grounds in thesouthwestern United States only a few weeks before? Is Edwin Corley’sfictional The Jesus Factor really true, that nuclear devices cannot detonate ifthey are in motion?]” {6}Thus, an airborne thermonuclear war destroying mankind is a technologicalimpossibility, and a pure fiction of Henry Luce’s Cold War propaganda. It is alsounbiblical, as the Devil, indwelling his “risen” Papal Caesar turned “antichrist,”could never rule the world from Solomon’s rebuilt Temple and Jesus the Messiahcould never fulfill the promises given to Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and David.The Jesuits – 1945 - 1989

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