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172 MONDAY • MAY 16<br />

B44<br />



9:00 a.m. - 4:15 p.m. MOSCONE CENTER<br />

Viewing: Posters will be on display for entire session.<br />

Area H, Hall D (North Building, Lower Level)<br />

Discussion: 11:00-11:45: authors will be present for individual discussion<br />

11:45-12:45: authors will be present for discussion with assigned facilitators<br />

Facilitator:<br />

P972<br />

P973<br />

P974<br />

P975<br />

P976<br />

P977<br />

P978<br />

P979<br />

J.M. Bon, MD, MS, Pittsburgh, PA<br />

Fibrinogen Is Not Associated with Cardiovascular and<br />

Muscular Co-Morbidities in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary<br />

Disease: The ERICA Study/D. Mohan, M.I. Polkey, J.R. Forman,<br />

C.M. McEniery, C.E. Bolton, J.R. Cockcroft, W. MacNee, J. Fuld,<br />

M. Marchong, N.S. Gale, M. Fisk, S. Nagarajan, J. Cheriyan, D.A.<br />

Lomas, P. Calverley, B.E. Miller, R. Tal-Singer, I.B. Wilkinson, King<br />

of Prussia, PA, p.A3553<br />

Factors Determining the Presence of Osteoporosis in Active<br />

and Former Smokers with and Without Chronic Obstructive<br />

Pulmonary Disease/P. Rivera-Ortega, J. Gonzalez-Gutierrez, P.<br />

Restituto, N. Varo, I. Colina, A. Calleja, M. Rodriguez, G.<br />

Bastarrika, A.B. Alcaide, A. Campo, J.J. Zulueta, J.P. De Torres,<br />

Pamplona, Spain, p.A3554<br />

Risk Factors for Subclinical Osteopenia/Osteoporosis in<br />

Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/<br />

H. Suzuki, Y. Yamamoto, S. Fujiuchi, A. Takeda, K. Doshita, H.<br />

Kuroda, M. Takahashi, T. Tsuji, Y. Fujita, Y. Yamazaki, T. Fujikane,<br />

Asahikawa, Japan, p.A3555<br />

Sarcopenia and Osteopenia/Osteoporosis in Korean Men with<br />

COPD Based on KNHANES 2008-2011/J.Y. Jung, J.A. Hwang,<br />

K.S. Jung, S.Y. Kim, S.K. Kim, J. Chang, C.M. Ahn, A.Y. Leem,<br />

J.H. Shin, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, p.A3556<br />

Chest Subcutaneous and Mediastinal Fat and Their<br />

Associations with Emphysema and Bone Mineral Density/J.<br />

Grace, J.K. Leader, J. Pu, D. Chandra, Y. Zhang, F.C. Sciurba,<br />

J.M. Bon, Pittsburgh, PA, p.A3557<br />

Frequent Exacerbations of COPD Cause Loss of Antigravity<br />

Muscles -Quantitative and Longitudinal Analysis Using Chest<br />

CT/K. Tanimura, S. Sato, A. Sato, K. Hasegawa, K. Uemasu, Y.<br />

Hamakawa, T. Oguma, T. Hirai, M. Mishima, S. Muro, Shogoin,<br />

Sakyo-ku, Japan, p.A3558<br />

Anabolic Treatment of COPD-Associated Skeletal Muscle Wasting<br />

with Bimagrumab; Results of a Phase IIa Double-Blind RCT/<br />

M.I. Polkey, D. Rooks, F. Franssen, D. Singh, M. Steiner, R. Casaburi,<br />

D. Laurent, R. Roubenoff, London, United Kingdom, p.A3559<br />

Relationship of HMG CoA Reductase Inhibitors and Pulmonary<br />

Function in Individuals with HIV/M. McLaughlin, M. Nouraie, N. Leo,<br />

C. Kessinger, M.E. Fitzpatrick, A. Morris, Pittsburgh, PA, p.A3560<br />

P980<br />

Facilitator:<br />

P981<br />

P982<br />

P983<br />

P984<br />

P985<br />

P986<br />

P987<br />

P988<br />

Facilitator:<br />

P989<br />

P990<br />

P991<br />

Chronotropic Incompetence and Its Relation to Exercise<br />

Intolerance in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/J.-M.<br />

Liu, H. Liu, J. Guo, Q. Zhao, W. Yang, L. Wang, S. Gong,<br />

Shanghai, China, p.A3561<br />

M.J. Divo, MD, Boston, MA<br />

Effect of Unrecognized Emphysema on Re-Admission and<br />

Survival in Patients with Congestive Heart Failure/P. Kohli, P.<br />

Staziaki, D. Addison, O. Hennessy, R. Takx, S. Janjua, T. Hallett,<br />

M. Lu, F. Fintelmann, U. Hoffmann, B. Celli, R.S. Harris, T. Neilan,<br />

Boston, MA, p.A3562<br />

Effect of Emphysema on Re-Admission Rates and Survival in<br />

Individuals with Heart Failure/P. Kohli, P. Staziaki, S. Janjua, T.<br />

Hallett, O. Hennessy, R. Takx, D. Addison, M. Lu, F. Fintelmann, U.<br />

Hoffmann, B. Celli, R.S. Harris, T. Neilan, Boston, MA, p.A3563<br />

Perioperative Administration of Long-Acting b2 -Adrenoceptor<br />

Agonists Do Not Increase the Risk of Postoperative Atrial<br />

Arrhythmias After Pulmonary Resection for Non-Small Cell Lung<br />

Cancer in Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease:<br />

A Propensi/S. Marumo, K. Yamanashi, T. Fukui, R. Sumitomo, Y.<br />

Ohtake, M. Fukui, C.-L. Huang, Osaka, Japan, p.A3564<br />

Prevalence and Predictors of Pulmonary Embolism in Severe<br />

Acute Exacerbation of COPD: A Systematic Review/A. Shujaat,<br />

S. Sethi, Buffalo, NY, p.A3565<br />

Impact of Sleep Quality on the Health Related Quality of Life of<br />

Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)<br />

in Ile-Ife, Nigeria/A.O. Adetiloye, G.E. Erhabor, O.O. Adewole,<br />

O.F. Awopeju, D.O. Obaseki, B.O. Adeniyi, Ile-Ife, Nigeria, p.A3566<br />

The Prevalence of Poor Sleep Quality in Patients with Chronic<br />

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Referred for Pulmonary<br />

Rehabilitation/M.M. Roberts, J.-G. Cho, J.R. Wheatley,<br />

Westmead, Australia, p.A3567<br />

Impact of Diabetes in Patients with Chronic Obstructive<br />

Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Developing Countries;<br />

Exploring Bidirectional Relationship and Complexities Beyond<br />

Co-Morbidity/N. Bhatta, R. Maskey, P. Koirala, N. Baral, N.R.<br />

Karki, R.H. Ghimire, D. Mishra, B. Bista, M. Lamsal, Dharan, Nepal,<br />

p.A3568<br />

Non-Hyperinflated Lungs in COPD Patients with Diabetes<br />

Mellitus/R. Edahiro, S. Nishina, Y. Tamura, Y. Utsu, S. Ishii, A.<br />

Kogetsu, K. Okuro, M. Suzuki, M. Koseto, S. Sumitani, B. Sato, S.<br />

Kasayama, I. Tachibana, Osaka, Japan, p.A3569<br />

P.M. Calverley, MBChB, Liverpool, United Kingdom<br />

External Validation of the COTE Index/Y. Abdou, V.G. Rodrigo,<br />

Albuquerque, NM, p.A3570<br />

Validation of CODEX Index on Patients with Chronic<br />

Obstructive Pulmonary Disease in Hong Kong/K.P. Chan, W.H.<br />

Yip, S.S. Ng, J. Ngai, K.W. To, F.W. Ko, D.S. Hui, Hong Kong,<br />

Hong Kong Prc, p.A3571<br />

Factors Associated with Low-Level Physical Activity in Elderly<br />

Patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease/K.U.<br />

Kim, S.H. Lee, Y.S. Kim, H.G. Lee, M.K. Lee, H.-K. Park, Busan,<br />

Korea, Republic of, p.A3572<br />

ATS 2016 • San Francisco

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