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WEDNESDAY • MAY 18 381<br />

P919<br />

P920<br />

Facilitator:<br />

P921<br />

Alternative Splicing of the Cardiac Sodium Channel in<br />

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension/D. Banerjee, A. Zhou, M.<br />

Whittenhall, I. Krishnan, A. Palmisciano, J.R. Klinger, S. Dudley,<br />

C.E. Ventetuolo, Providence, RI, p.A7290<br />

Increased Expression of NPY1R Mediated Increased Vascular<br />

Reactivity to NPY/S. Crnkovic, P. Jain, B. Egemnazarov, L.M.<br />

Marsh, B. Ghanim, W. Klepetko, P. Holzer, H. Herzog, A.<br />

Olschewski, G. Kwapiszewska, Graz, Austria, p.A7291<br />

S.A. Predescu, PhD, Chicago, IL<br />

16a-Hydroxyestrone Increases Oxidative Stress Through<br />

NADPH Oxidase 4 and Nrf2 Dysfunction Specifically in Human<br />

Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cells/K.Y. Hood, A.P. Harvey,<br />

M. Nilsen, A.C. Montezano, R.M. Touyz, M. MacLean, United<br />

Kingdom, p.A7292<br />

P922 Dynamic Mapping of Lung Vascular Development/Y. Luo, W.<br />

Shi, Los Angeles, CA, p.A7293<br />

P923<br />

P924<br />

P925<br />

P926<br />

P927<br />

P928<br />

P929<br />

P930<br />

P931<br />

Intrauterine Caloric Restriction Affects the Expression of<br />

Genes Involved in Pulmonary Endothelial Function/I.N. Zelko,<br />

J. Roman, Louisville, KY, p.A7294<br />

FTY720 S-Phosphonate Does Not Activate GRK2-Mediated<br />

S1PR1 Phosphorylation and Degradation/L. Wang, R. Bittman,<br />

S.M. Dudek, Chicago, IL, p.A7295<br />

Structure Dependent PK Profiles of Alkyl Ester Treprostinil<br />

Prodrugs (TPD) Administrated Via Metered Dose Inhaler to<br />

Rats/A.J. Plaunt, R.W. Chapman, M.R. Corboz, Z. Li, W.R.<br />

Perkins, V.S. Malinin, Bridgewater, NJ, p.A7296<br />

The Matrikine Acetylated Proline-Glycine-Proline (AcPGP)<br />

Couples Extracellular Matrix Fragmentation to Pulmonary<br />

Microvascular Remodeling and Pulmonary Hypertension/G.A.<br />

Payne, L. Viera, Y. Wu, X. Xu, R.P. Patel, A. Gaggar, C.M.<br />

McNicholas-Bevensee, J.E. Blalock, J.M. Wells, Birmingham, AL,<br />

p.A7297<br />

Hyperspectral Imaging Approaches Allow Real Time 3D<br />

Measurement of cAMP Gradients in Pulmonary Microvascular<br />

Endothelial Cells/T. Rich, N.S. Annamdevula, R. Sweat, P.<br />

Favreau, S. Mayes, A.L. Britain, A. Arie Nakhmani, S.J. Leavesley,<br />

Mobile, AL, p.A7298<br />

Simultaneous, Real Time, Measurement of 3D cAMP and Ca2+<br />

Signals Using Hyperspectral Imaging and Analysis<br />

Approaches/T. Rich, R. Sweat, N.S. Annamdevula, P. Favreau, S.<br />

Mayes, K. Webb, A.L. Britain, M. Townsley, A. Nakhmani, S.J.<br />

Leavesley, Mobile, AL, p.A7299<br />

Differential Response to Serial Microsphere Infusions During<br />

Creation of Canine and Porcine Models of Pulmonary<br />

Hypertension/A. Rothman, H. Restrepo, W.N. Evans, V.<br />

Sarukhanov, D. Mann, Las Vegas, NV, p.A7300<br />

Heme Oxygenase-1 Is Cardioprotective Against Hyperoxia/R.R.<br />

Bartz, H. Suliman, B. Kraft, A. Cherry, K. Welty-Wolf, J. Keenan,<br />

C.A. Piantadosi, Durham, NC, p.A7301<br />

Sustained Activation of RhoGTPases Promote a Synthetic<br />

Pulmonary Artery Smooth Muscle Cell Phenotype in Neprilysin<br />

Null Mice/V. Karoor, Z. Loomis, T. Sullivan, L. Hersh, D. Irwin, E.C.<br />

Dempsey, Aurora, CO, p.A7302<br />

P932<br />

Facilitator:<br />

Lymphatics in Pleura in Normal, Malignant Pleural Effusion,<br />

and Septic Mouse Models/Y. Tsukita, T. Okazaki, M. Kobayashi,<br />

M. Nihei, R. Komatsu, H. Sugiura, S. Ebihara, M. Ichinose, Sendai<br />

Miyagi, Japan, p.A7303<br />

W.M. Kuebler, MD, PhD, Toronto, Canada<br />

P933 Bone Morphogenetic Protein 9 Enhances Toll-Like Receptor 4<br />

Expression and Lipopolysaccharide-Induced Leukocyte<br />

Recruitment to the Vascular Endothelium Via Activin<br />

Receptor-Like Kinase-2/S.L. Appleby, A. Crosby, C.G. Mitrofan,<br />

C.M. Yates, G.B. Nash, E.R. Chilvers, N.W. Morrell, Cambridge,<br />

United Kingdom, p.A7304<br />

P934<br />

P935<br />

P936<br />

P937<br />

P938<br />

P939<br />

P940<br />

P941<br />

P942<br />

P943<br />

SMAD3 Contributes to Lung Vascular Remodeling in<br />

Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Via MRTF Disinhibition: A<br />

New Pathomechanism/D. Zabini, A. Kapus, W.M. Kuebler,<br />

Toronto, Canada, p.A7305<br />

Bortezomib Alleviates Experimental Pulmonary Hypertension<br />

by Regulating Intracellular Calcium Homeostasis in PASMCs/J.<br />

Zhang, E. Wang, W. Lu, J. Wang, Guangzhou, China, p.A7306<br />

Quercetin Induce Autophagy Via FOXO1-Depentent Pathways<br />

and Autophagy Suppression Enhances Quercetin-Induced<br />

Apoptosis of PASMCs in Hypoxia/H. Yuanzhou, X. Li, X. Min, Y.<br />

Xu, L. Xiansheng, Wuhan, China, p.A7307<br />

Therapeutic Role of Serum Response Factor (SRF) Specific<br />

shRNA in the Treatment of Hypoxic Pulmonary Hypertension/<br />

R. Wang, G. Sun, Anhui, China, p.A7308<br />

Fucoidan, a Natural Polysaccharidic Ligand of P-Selectin,<br />

Obstructs Hypoxia-Induced Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension<br />

and Acute Lung Vasoconstriction/T. Novoyatleva, B.<br />

Kojonazarov, A. Owczarek, W. Seeger, N. Weissmann, R.T.<br />

Schermuly, Germany, Germany, p.A7309<br />

Adventitial Remodeling of Experimental Pulmonary<br />

Hypertension Induces Myofibroblast-Produced Collagen V in a<br />

Th17-Pathways-Related Manner/A.T. Fabro, J.R. Machado, W.R.<br />

Teodoro, A.L. Dos Santos, A.A. Dos Santos, H.R. Crunivel, P.F.<br />

Milsoni, S.D.M. Fernezlian, A.B.G. Dos Santos, R.A. Oliveira,<br />

M.C.R. Medeiros, C.A. Rainho, V.L. Capelozzi, Botucatu, Brazil,<br />

p.A7310<br />

The Regulation of Hypoxia-Inducible Factors by C-Jun<br />

N-Terminal Protein Kinases/M. Sala, C. Chen, H.C. Do, A.V.<br />

Misharin, G.S. Budinger, J. Liu, Chicago, IL, p.A7311<br />

The Role of Smooth Muscle Cathepsins in Pulmonary Arterial<br />

Hypertension Associated with Systemic Lupus Erythematosus/<br />

H.-C. Hsu, H.-H. Li, Y.-J. Lai, Tao-Yuan, Taiwan, p.A7312<br />

LIM-Only Protein FHL2 Suppresses Pulmonary Artery Endothelial<br />

Cell Proliferation Through Activation of BMP Signalling/K.<br />

Kurakula, N. Rol, J. Smits, C.M. Happe, H.J. Bogaard, P. Ten Dijke,<br />

M.-J. Goumans, Leiden, Netherlands, p.A7313<br />

ARDS Decreases Pulmonary Artery Compliance in a Porcine<br />

Model/A. Santos, I. Monge-Garcia, E. Gomez Penalver, J.B.<br />

Borges, L. Lucchetta, J. Retamal, G. Tusman, G. Hedenstierna, A.<br />

Larsson, F. Suarez-Sipmann, Uppsala, Sweden, p.A7917<br />


ATS 2016 • San Francisco

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