Allan Kardec-THE Spirit's Book_ The Principles of Spiritist Doctrine (1989)

Entre los anos 1830 y 1857. Allan Kardec fue un hombre que amaso las mas grandes riquezas de "Material-dado por espiritus" que jamaz se hayan asemblado. El compilo y organizo esta vasta cantidad de informacion que se relaciona y toca con el aqui y hora, cuan inmensos son. Divinas y terrenales leyes , los reinos de los espiritus. El despues y el mas alla. Estos forman sus escrituras y son la fundacion para el " Movimiento Muldial-Internacional Espiritista." El libro de los espiritus. He aqui la version de 1989.

Entre los anos 1830 y 1857. Allan Kardec fue un hombre que amaso las mas grandes riquezas de "Material-dado por espiritus" que jamaz se hayan asemblado. El compilo y organizo esta vasta cantidad de informacion que se relaciona y toca con el aqui y hora, cuan inmensos son. Divinas y terrenales leyes , los reinos de los espiritus. El despues y el mas alla.
Estos forman sus escrituras y son la fundacion para el " Movimiento Muldial-Internacional Espiritista."

El libro de los espiritus. He aqui la version de 1989.


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<strong>THE</strong> SPIRITS’ BOOK<br />

"Yes; he always does so, and lie then suffers all the more, for he feels all the evil he has done,<br />

or <strong>of</strong> which he has been the voluntary cause. Nevertheless, repentance is not always<br />

immediate. <strong>The</strong>re are spirits who obstinately persist in doing wrong, notwithstanding their<br />

sufferings; but, sooner or later, they will see that have taken the wrong road, and repentance<br />

will follow this discovery. It is to their enlightenment that the efforts <strong>of</strong> the higher spirits are<br />

directed, and that you may usefully direct your own."<br />

995. Are there spirits who, without being wicked, ape indifferent about their own fate?<br />

"<strong>The</strong>re are spirits who do not occupy themselves with anything useful, but are in a state <strong>of</strong><br />

expectancy. In such cases they suffer in proportion to their inactivity; for all states and<br />

conditions must conduce to progress, and with them, this progress is effected by the suffering<br />

they experience."<br />

- Have they no desire to shorten their sufferings?<br />

"<strong>The</strong>y have that desire, undoubtedly; but they have not sufficient energy to do what would<br />

give them relief. Are there not among you many who prefer to starve rather than to work?"<br />

996. Since spirits see the harm that is done them by their imperfections, how is it that any <strong>of</strong><br />

them Persist in aggravating their Position, and prolonging their state <strong>of</strong> inferiority, by doing<br />

evil, as spirits, in turning men aside from the right road?<br />

"It is those whose repentance is tardy that act thus. A spirit who repents may afterwards allow<br />

himself to be drawn back into the wrong road by other spirits still more backward than<br />

himself." (971.)<br />

997. We sometimes find that spirits, who are evidently <strong>of</strong> very he who, urged on by pride,<br />

revolts against God, persisting in his touched by the prayers <strong>of</strong>fered for them. How is it that<br />

others, whom we have reason to believe are more enlightened, show a hardness and a<br />

cynicism that no efforts can vanquish?<br />

"Prayer is only efficacious in the case <strong>of</strong> spirits who repent; he who, urged on by pride,<br />

revolts against God, persisting in his wrong-doing, and perhaps going even more widely<br />

astray, cannot be acted upon by prayer, and can only derive benefit therefrom when a<br />

glimmering <strong>of</strong> repentance shall have shown itself in him." (664.)

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