Membrane and Desalination Technologies - TCE Moodle Website

Membrane and Desalination Technologies - TCE Moodle Website

Membrane and Desalination Technologies - TCE Moodle Website


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<strong>Membrane</strong> Separation: Basics <strong>and</strong> Applications 309<br />

Combining Eq. (32), Eq. (33) <strong>and</strong> Eq. (37) yields<br />

R ¼<br />

BðDP DPÞ<br />

; (38)<br />

BðDP DPÞþ1<br />

B ¼ Aw<br />

:<br />

Ascw2<br />

Noted that the newly combined parameter B has a unit of atm<br />

(39)<br />

1 .<br />

During membrane operations, localized concentration of salt builds up at the boundary<br />

layer of membrane. This is called the concentration polarization (40, 49). The concentration<br />

polarization can be reduced by increasing turbulence.<br />

Owing to the presence of concentration polarization, Eq. (33) <strong>and</strong> Eq. (35) will have to be<br />

revised as<br />

Ns ¼ Asðbc1 c2Þ; (40)<br />

DP ¼ bP1 P2; (41)<br />

where b is the concentration polarization, which normally ranges from 1.2 to 2.0. When the<br />

feed solution is well mixed <strong>and</strong> the salt concentration is about 1%, the RO membrane<br />

filtration unit can be treated as a continuously stirred tank reactor (27).<br />

Example 3<br />

An RO membrane system is used for the desalination of a feed water that contains 2.5 g<br />

NaCl/L. The temperature is 25 C <strong>and</strong> the density of the feed is 999 kg/m 3 . The applied<br />

pressure (DP) is 27.6 atm. The water permeability constant (Aw) <strong>and</strong> the NaCl permeability<br />

constant (As) are 4.8 10 4 kg/s m 2 atm <strong>and</strong> 4.4 10 7 m/s, respectively:<br />

(a) Assume that the concentration polarization can be neglected. Calculate the salt rejection, the<br />

water flux <strong>and</strong> the salt flux through the membrane, <strong>and</strong> the salt concentration in the permeate.<br />

(b) Owing to the incomplete mixing in the RO module, the concentration polarization can be<br />

assumed to be 2.0. What are the salt rejection, the water flux, the salt flux <strong>and</strong> the salt<br />

concentration in the permeate? Also comment on the applied pressure (DP) if the quality of<br />

the product water remains the same as in (a).<br />

Solution<br />

(a) According to Eq. (10a), the osmotic pressure in the feed can be determined by<br />

X Mi ¼ 2 2:5=58:45 ¼ 0:0856 M;<br />

P1 ¼ RT X Mi ¼ 0:08206 ð273 þ 25Þ 0:0856 ¼ 2:09 atm:<br />

Assume that the salt concentration in the permeate is very low. Therefore, we have<br />

Nw ¼ AwðDp DPÞ ¼4:8 10 4<br />

P2 ¼ 0;<br />

ð27:6 2:09Þ ¼0:01224 kg water=sm 2 :

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