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74 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

TABLE 9.2 Types of Articles Published in Health Education Quarterly ,

1981 – 1985 *

Content Process Research Theory History Yr

2 4 7 3 0 1985

5 8 14 2 0 1984

2 3 6 3 0 1983

4 4 11 1 0 1982

6 11 3 4 0 1981

19 30 41 13 0 5 - year total

* Excludes special cancer issue

Brief definitions of the headings/terms of the charts are necessary for clarification.

A theoretical article, to an editor of a journal, likely would be one which presents learnings,

information, or new findings, not a research article. However, in this article, the

term theoretical means those articles which provide a philosophical and theoretical

body of knowledge, one that provides substance and knowledge for the basis and foundation

of the field of health education and health promotion. “ Content ” articles provide

information other than research, a did - you - know article, new learnings in the content

areas of health education that can utilize the process aspect of the field in order to

deliver information. “Process ” articles are the how-to-do-it articles which provide

teaching and presentation ideas, techniques, skills, methods, roles, or program development

ideas. “ Research ” articles are the ones that use a research design, use descriptive

or inferential statistics in their presentations, and show that research actually was conducted.

“ History ” articles advance an understanding of the beginnings of the profession

by presenting what was done in the past (see Table 9.1 and Table 9.2 ).

The journals of the profession should consider their current [1988] posture in

accepting/rejecting theoretical articles (as per the definition above) in relation to the

other types of articles, thereby fulfilling their responsibility to contribute more to

advancing the theoretical basis of the profession. Another solution is to consider the

approach the American Academy of Management has taken, that is to have two journals,

one for the informational articles and another professional journal for research

and primarily academic articles.

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