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72 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

health educators face the real world and the job market without marketable administrative

skills demanded by employers. Marketing of health education has been viewed

as being akin to unethical practice in the field. If health education is to be effective in

changing values and behaviors, it must embrace vigorously any field that will further

the cause. The interfacing of marketing with health education is long overdue. If as

much money and effort were put into health promotion through recognized marketing

methods as has been put into promoting the use of tobacco and other disease promoting

products, the picture of the health status of the country possibly would be different.

The lack of use of the media and marketing is obvious by its absence in health

education (except on a rare occasion or unique disease outbreak such as AIDS).

Television can and should have a major impact on the quality of life of all persons and

should be utilized to advantage. There is hardly a person of any age or educational

level who does not know something about AIDS or hunger in Africa, primarily because

of television news reporting, clearly demonstrating once again the impact that television

can have in health education and health promotion activities.

Management ’ s research on motivation has much to contribute to the field of health

education and promotion, yet rarely is discussed. Health education is faced with motivating

persons to activate a healthy lifestyle, to motivate people to change behavior,

and motivate people to maintain positive health behavior already in practice. Motivation

is an area from which health education could further develop and create a theoretical

foundation (Timmreck, 1977; Timmreck & Randal, 1983).

Rarely considered in the jungle of health education and promotion theory and

practice is management ’ s expectation of outcome. That is, does the health educator/

promoter have a positive or negative productivity level in comparison with other professionals

or workers? Are health educators and their programs a cost center (costing

the organization) or a profit center (financially effective)? These are concerns of

administration and management and are essential for future survival of all health education

programs outside school health instruction (Parlette et al., 1981).


Health education has had only limited success in the field of patient education. Nursing

has been successful in laying solid claim to the area. Nursing has the clinical training,

and physicians who order patient education put much more trust in the nurse than the

health educator, as the latter usually has little or no clinical training and thus limited

credibility with most physicians.

Another infringement felt by health education has been the advent of several new

related fields. Psychology has developed the field of health psychology. Behavioral health,

a field less clearly attached to psychology, but clearly founded in the behavioral science

aspects of health and medicine, is gaining prominence. The medical field has developed

the area of behavioral medicine, combining education, counseling, and medicine. Further,

how does the Association of Teachers of Preventive Medicine fit into the scheme of health

education, or does health education fit into it? How do medical sociology and medical

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