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254 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education

advocate of health as a human right. The primary purpose of social change philosophy

is to legislate certain changes in order to benefit society as a whole. A macro - level

approach to health education does not damn individuals for poor health choices but

instead looks to change the context in which their choices are made. Changing the

context and environment would allow individuals to make better lifestyle choices.

Advantages to the adoption of this philosophy for the health education profession

include the recognition of social variables that influence individual health. Social policies

are advocated according to the criterion of bringing the greatest amount of good

to the greatest number of people. Health topics addressed through social - change -

based health education programs include community health advocacy, empowerment,

quality of school health education programs, federal government support for health

education, health care cost containment, universal health care coverage, and economic

and social improvement.


Using health education as a tool to bring about social change is not a new concept.

Grounded in the social movements in the 1960s and 1970s, health education has taken

a fresh look at what social change means in the contemporary world. Robertson and

Minkler (1994) provide a critical examination of what they refer to as the “ new health

promotion movement. ” This exploration features an “ introduction to new ideas, new

language, and new concepts about what constitutes health and how health promotion

efforts should be configured to achieve health. ” Leviton (2002) discusses health education

as a means to bring global peace, the ultimate in restructuring social change.

Coulter, Allbrecht, Guliotz, Figg, and Mahan (1999) put forth the argument that health

education professionals have an obligation to embrace social change as a way to assure

that the health of the public is protected and improved. O ’ Rourke (2002) explores

moving beyond defining health as medical care, addresses the task of making health

care affordable, and offers alternative funding scenarios for a viable health care system.

Auld and Dixon - Terry (1999) review historical social movements that legislated

successful interventions for health promotion and education. They encourage the

health education to use these principles to advocate for advancement of the profession.

Allegrante, Morisky, and Sharif (1999) encouraged the discipline to use advocacy to

remove disparities in health care. Applying social change principles to “ stimulate

community political action and economic and environmental changes ” can afford

individuals opportunities to make good health decisions. As one searches for the underlying

causes of illness, one finds that many social inequities are contributing factors.

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