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Health Education as a Basic 21

The sine qua non of a revolution — the health of the citizen or anything else —is the

visible change in human values, beliefs, judgments, and commitments. The most stupendous

of man ’ s inventions, said Joseph Krutch, was not the wheel, or the lever, but

the values by which he has lived. Although health values are not always articulately

expressed, they are appearing more and more in the day -to-day attitudes of people of all

ages and all convictions. Indeed, an increasing number of people are testing inherited

health values against new and fresh circumstances. Moreover, they are asking questions.

What are the potentialities of a fully able human being? What connection do we

see between the fully able citizen and the development of the society itself?


As a result of the recent studies and reports pertaining to shortcomings in educational

practices and curriculum in the nation ’ s schools, there has been a very noticeable cry

to meet the needs of thousands of children completing school who cannot read properly,

write a check, and construct an appropriate sentence. The goal is to get the schools

“ back - to - basics. ”

What is basic? Is not health education a basic need? Doesn ’t back-to-basics really

mean a return to fundamentals, to longstanding, long understood, and long supported educational

goals? Is it not true that every set of educational goals, from ages past to the present,

has had the health objective heading the list? From Herbert Spencer (What Knowledge

Is of Most Worth? ) and Horace Mann to the enlightened pronouncements of the American

Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical Association, and American Public Health

Association, the support for formal health education has been clearly stated.

There is today a need to point out at every opportunity that health education, in

both schools and community organizations, is indeed a basic — an essential educational

concern no less important than the fundamental processes of calculating and

communicating. Moreover, the effort to seek a comprehensive and coordinated school

and community health education should not be lost in the all too often emotional

school board battles over curriculum and style, but should be directed toward reviewing

reportable evidence of studies and new programs that can be implemented locally.

To do otherwise is to permit health education to slip by default to a “ frill ” level course

one can take or leave, and miss the opportunity to treat the health and wellness dimension

as one of the longstanding basics in education.

It is the combined effort of school and community forces on the school population

that is coordinated by school personnel in terms of health services, healthful school

environment, and health education. It is health education that is the organization of

learning experiences that ultimately influence health attitudes and practices. It is an

applied science that relates research findings to the lives of people by narrowing the

gap between what is known and what is practiced. It is both a process and a program

concerned with human values and behavior that are openly and subtly associated with

such items as ecology and environmental well - being, nutrition and growth, mental

health, mood - modifying substances, safe living, consumer health, sexuality, and the

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