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62 Philosophical Foundations of Health Education


The core of health education practice in the future will be helping people learn how to

learn. The rapid production of information — the technological explosions occurring

monthly mean that facts get outdated before they ’ re disseminated. What ’ s effective

practice one week is ineffective the next. Life is not as simple as following a formula

for risk reduction or anything else. Health education in the new century will help people

learn how to use data, how to be analytical, how to make judgments, how to tailor

their own solutions to their own needs, in short, to learn how to learn.


There will be, however, no give on the issue of cost. Health education interventions

will need to prove themselves as not only affordable, but generating cost savings. We

will confront a three - way paradox if there is such a thing: reach large audiences with

programs that are at the same time relevant to cultural differences and cost effective.

The need for solid demonstration research will be as great or greater than it has always

been. The need for efficient practice will not lessen.

Quality of Life

The measure of successful health education in the future will be whether or not people

judge the quality of their lives to be better because of it. There will be a major paradigm

shift where health and medical care will be deemed effective if people feel they

are functioning optimally and are happy. Knowledge tests, attitude scales, objective

tests of health status, and measures of health care utilization will only be relevant as

they relate to individual and community views about the quality of life. To define quality,

we ’ ll work even more closely with our clients to understand how they want their

lives to be and how they perceive health education as useful to them.

Integration and Multi - level Services and Education

We need to perfect our mechanisms for designing and delivering multi - level approaches

to priority health problems, approaches that make health education optimum. We have

to develop approaches that adequately address the complexity of the health problems

we face. With apologies to Simons - Morton and colleagues (1988), I will try to summarize

their observations on how we can have major impact on health problems by

addressing several strata of a problem at once. They suggest that our health education

has to work on at least three levels: governmental, organizational, and individual. We

have to consciously target “ key ” government and community leaders, organizational

decision makers, individuals at risk. We need governments that are operating on the

basis of healthful policies, regulations, and programs. We need organizations that enact

healthful policies, maintain healthful facilities, implement healthful programs. We

need individuals who are healthful in their behavior, and in the physical and psychological

aspects of their life. All these levels must be involved to engender improved

health status in the society.

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